Do you want what is best for your child? Do you want your child to have an extraordinary life, where they have the self confidence to live successful, fulfilled lives? Exposing children to affirmations like "I am beautiful" or "I keep my Promises to others and myself" has proven to have long term positive effects on individuals self-esteem.
Affirmations can be custom created to fit whatever it is that one wishes to evoke into one's life.
They are a tool that can be read, memorized or listened to repeatedly, where in a reasonably short period of time they can become highly effective and a natural part of who you are.
Affirmations are simple short statements of who we wish to be, what we wish to achieve and what we wish to acquire.
They represent all that we desire in life, and counter that which we do not.
They are written in the present tense, as though the desired result has already been achieved.
We become our thoughts and feelings.
Affirmations are a simple way to manage those thoughts and feelings, hence affecting our entire life journey.
According to the laws of attraction and manifesting, the power behind these laws are your thoughts and feelings.
Therefore it becomes obvious how important is is to have these thoughts and feelings in alignment of who you truly are, where you want to go and who you wish to become.
Affirmations are an amazing tool to keep your life on track.
To get a better understanding, let's consider the way our mind works.
Think of us humans as an incredible biochemical machine driven and controlled by a biochemical computer - our brain.
When we're born, this biochemical computer is a lot like our home computer when new from the store.
It has only the minimal necessary software pre-loaded on its hard drive.
Our "hard drive" is similar when it's new.
Our young brain contains the basic operating programs to allow for functions like cell duplication, ingestion, breathing, organ functions, the senses, learning and so on to take place.
Einstein could explain this clearly.
As a matter of fact, it has been said that we are only born with two fears; the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.
All the rest are programmed through our life experiences - downloaded into our bio-computer as time goes on.
Unlike your home computer where the enter button must be pushed when you want something to be saved onto the hard drive, our enter button is always in the 'enter mode'.
Therefore, everything picked up through our five senses goes automatically to our hard drive, where it is permanently stored.
Things that get stored repeatedly and in larger amounts tend to have the most effect on our lives, especially in regards to our personality.
The more emotion that is attached to that stimulus, the deeper and more anchored that stimulus becomes.
A child's mind is like a sponge.
This is why it is understood that we are a product of our environment, regardless as to whether the input is positive or negative.
Children who get little positive input in the area of courage, for instance, will likely grow up showing exactly that.
Unfortunately, many children do not grow up with empowerment, as the world many times is not a very empowering place.
TV, video games, the internet, movie stars, their peers, and yes, even we parents are commonly negatively conditioning our kids with weakening input.
This shows clearly in areas such as our high school drop-out rate, now nationally around 30% and getting worse.
This directly reflects the environment they've been exposed to.
Fortunately there are ways to counteract this.
Positive parenting is the number one key.
A parent can greatly influence a child with the use of repetition in any form that inspires that end result and desired outcome.
Affirmations are an easy, highly effective tool that parents can utilize to achieve this.
The Secret to The Unlimited Child is an example of a program which gives lifelong advantages to your child in all areas of their life.
This is because the reinforcement of Self Esteem is the prime target of this program.
Neale Donald Walsch, Best Selling Author of "Conversations with God" writes: "This is a powerful way to empower children through beautifully orchestrated music with built-in reminders of Who They Really Are.
What a gift for the Emerging Spirit of Children!" Whether you explore The Secret to The Unlimited Child or another program, as a parent, one must always remember that what we are telling our children has a huge effect on who they will become.
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Affirmations can be custom created to fit whatever it is that one wishes to evoke into one's life.
They are a tool that can be read, memorized or listened to repeatedly, where in a reasonably short period of time they can become highly effective and a natural part of who you are.
Affirmations are simple short statements of who we wish to be, what we wish to achieve and what we wish to acquire.
They represent all that we desire in life, and counter that which we do not.
They are written in the present tense, as though the desired result has already been achieved.
We become our thoughts and feelings.
Affirmations are a simple way to manage those thoughts and feelings, hence affecting our entire life journey.
According to the laws of attraction and manifesting, the power behind these laws are your thoughts and feelings.
Therefore it becomes obvious how important is is to have these thoughts and feelings in alignment of who you truly are, where you want to go and who you wish to become.
Affirmations are an amazing tool to keep your life on track.
To get a better understanding, let's consider the way our mind works.
Think of us humans as an incredible biochemical machine driven and controlled by a biochemical computer - our brain.
When we're born, this biochemical computer is a lot like our home computer when new from the store.
It has only the minimal necessary software pre-loaded on its hard drive.
Our "hard drive" is similar when it's new.
Our young brain contains the basic operating programs to allow for functions like cell duplication, ingestion, breathing, organ functions, the senses, learning and so on to take place.
Einstein could explain this clearly.
As a matter of fact, it has been said that we are only born with two fears; the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.
All the rest are programmed through our life experiences - downloaded into our bio-computer as time goes on.
Unlike your home computer where the enter button must be pushed when you want something to be saved onto the hard drive, our enter button is always in the 'enter mode'.
Therefore, everything picked up through our five senses goes automatically to our hard drive, where it is permanently stored.
Things that get stored repeatedly and in larger amounts tend to have the most effect on our lives, especially in regards to our personality.
The more emotion that is attached to that stimulus, the deeper and more anchored that stimulus becomes.
A child's mind is like a sponge.
This is why it is understood that we are a product of our environment, regardless as to whether the input is positive or negative.
Children who get little positive input in the area of courage, for instance, will likely grow up showing exactly that.
Unfortunately, many children do not grow up with empowerment, as the world many times is not a very empowering place.
TV, video games, the internet, movie stars, their peers, and yes, even we parents are commonly negatively conditioning our kids with weakening input.
This shows clearly in areas such as our high school drop-out rate, now nationally around 30% and getting worse.
This directly reflects the environment they've been exposed to.
Fortunately there are ways to counteract this.
Positive parenting is the number one key.
A parent can greatly influence a child with the use of repetition in any form that inspires that end result and desired outcome.
Affirmations are an easy, highly effective tool that parents can utilize to achieve this.
The Secret to The Unlimited Child is an example of a program which gives lifelong advantages to your child in all areas of their life.
This is because the reinforcement of Self Esteem is the prime target of this program.
Neale Donald Walsch, Best Selling Author of "Conversations with God" writes: "This is a powerful way to empower children through beautifully orchestrated music with built-in reminders of Who They Really Are.
What a gift for the Emerging Spirit of Children!" Whether you explore The Secret to The Unlimited Child or another program, as a parent, one must always remember that what we are telling our children has a huge effect on who they will become.
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution