Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Causes of Chronic Yeast Infections That Will SHOCK You

When it comes to the causes of chronic yeast infections also known as Candidiasis the main focus always seems to go to the yeast and how to starve it out/ kill it off.
There is a tremendous mistake in this way of thinking that isn't far off from how a doctor would prescribe a drug and attack the obvious.
The problem lies in the fact that even once the yeast is destroyed, what is stopping it from coming back again? Oh that's right, nothing! This is the reason why addressing the underlying cause of diseases such as Candida is so critical, as the problem is never the obvious but what created it in the first place.
Here now are 2 of the most common causes of chronic yeast infections.
Parasites -
Eww, is right.
Unfortunately an estimate 85% of the population is carrying them, and it is claimed that even these estimates are low and that the truth is that we all have them to varying degrees.
The problem with parasites is that they go unnoticed that is their entire purpose, to fly under the radar.
This is part of the reason its so hard to properly diagnose them.
What they do though is strip the nutrients out of your food before your body can assimilate them, causing mal-absorption and a lack of vital energy needed for sustaining life.
All of this and more is what weakens the hosts body and allows for other issues such as yeast infections to become more frequent.
Heavy Metals -
Do you have amalgams, fillings? If so then you've got heavy metal toxicity and this is not good.
The metal mercury for example found in amalgams can directly suppress the immune system and allow yeast to flourish in the body.
This is only the least of its problems, which is another reason why finding the root causes of chronic yeast infections is so important.
This is only the icing of the cake so to speak, and if these core issues are not at least tested for then there is no way to know what harm your body could be sustaining.
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