Society & Culture & Entertainment Radio & Television

Click - Family Comes First

When watching a trailer for the movie "Click", one would believe it is a typical Happy Madison comedy film, but not an inspiring movie.
Click was not such a successful film, because it marketed towards the wrong audience.
People walk in the theater to see a film like "Happy Gilmore" or "Billy Madison", not a heartfelt movie about loving your family.
When I first saw Click, I was expecting a comedy, and came out blown away by how powerful the movie was.
Click starts out as a pretty funny movie, but ends as an extremely sad film about always putting your family first, and letting them know how much you love them, before it is too late.
It also has a message about living your life every day; the painful moments, and the joyous ones.
The main point emphasized in Click, is loving your family.
Michael Newman is a complete workaholic.
Work is his top priority in life, and family comes in at a very far second.
All of his family projects are put on hold indefinitely, for a job in which he will always be busy.
What a grave mistake.
If life were like drinking a glass of orange juice, your loved ones would be the oranges.
Without oranges, you would have water.
A normal tasting beverage that provides for your survival.
However, there is nothing special about water in terms of flavor.
Living a life without loving your family, is like living a life without any purpose.
It would be as bland tasting as water, and you would go through your life feeling unfulfilled.
Family does not necessarily have to be blood relatives, I have always believed that extremely good friends can be a part of your family as well.
Friends who are supportive like family, are family to me.
In Click, there is a devastating scene, where Michael Newman looks back on the last time he ever saw his father, and how awful Michael treated his dad.
This upset Michael deeply, and the acting performance by Adam Sandler is one to behold.
A moment like this, is so powerful, it can truly make you realize that you only have 1 family, and must love them with every ounce of your soul.
At times, it may seem like you want to fast forward through painful moments in your life.
But if not for these painful moments, how could we know what great things happen in our lives? To quote an old phrase: "How could we know what good is, if we have never experienced evil?".
If every moment of our lives were filled with ease, pleasure, and good experiences, we would soon be bored.
It is the challenges that you face every day, that allow you to recognize what an amazing moment truly is.
In Click, Michael Newman begins to skip every slightly unpleasant situation in his life (showers, arguments) and large challenges.
He sees the remote as a ticket out of the difficulty of everyday living.
This metaphor works out perfectly, and proves that you must face small/large challenges in your life, or else you will (literally) miss out on the opportunity for growth and success! Click is a very dramatic example of this principle, but an extremely effective representation.
If there is a way to enjoy life without any problems or challenges, then please let me know.
Otherwise, I will continue to break through the obstacles standing in the way of my goals in order to enjoy life to the fullest! Every once in a while, a great movie comes along about loving your family.
Even though Click was never marketed as an inspirational movie, it is the best movie I have ever seen that deals with the topic of your loved ones.
Love first, work later.
No one ever looked back at their life, and regretted spending too much time with their family.
A life dedicated to loving others, and loving your family, is always a life well spent.
Dedicate your life to love, and love will dedicate itself to your life.
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