- 1). Smooth out the tissue paper pattern pieces and cut them apart. To do a tissue-fitting for a shirt, you should cut carefully along the cutting line of the large pattern pieces.
- 2). Pin only the larger sections of the shirt pattern together along the seam lines, which should be 5/8 inch inside the cutting line. Pin the back to the front at the side and shoulder seams. You might also pin the sleeve into place, seams to the outside. You will have a mock-up of half the shirt, since most patterns pieces are made to be cut out of folded material.
- 3). Fit the pinned pattern pieces over the wearer. Your model should be shirtless or wearing a T-shirt.
- 4). Use a measuring tape and marker to measure and make corrections in the pattern. Draw lines where the pattern needs to be adjusted. Measure and note the amount of sleeve length to add, for example, or how much the side seam needs to be taken in.
- 5). Remove the pattern pieces and unpin them. Refer to your notes and markings to make adjustments on the pattern pieces. Use adjustment features printed on the pattern where possible. To lengthen a sleeve, for example, cut the pattern along the adjustment line, separate the pieces and tape in a section of tissue paper. Shorten the shirt length by folding the pattern along the adjustment line.
- 6). Pin your adjusted pattern to the fabric and cut out the pieces for your shirt.