Health & Medical Depression

What to Do When You Feel Depressed

Feelings of depression are a normal part of life, and usually cause no harm if the feeling is short term.
However, most of us would like to get out of the pity party as soon as possible.
When something sad happens, it's good to have a list of possible solutions so that you can accomplish that goal.
Exercise: There are a number of ways exercising can help you.
Obviously the release of endorphins will be beneficial, but it can also relieve stress, which is usually a part of depression.
The third is a little more subtle.
Many times, these feelings are the result of a problem in your life.
Exercise puts that problem temporarily on the back burner, and your subconscious may be able to come up with a solution while your body is busy.
Get Creative: Do you have a favorite way to be creative? Do you draw or write? How about cooking? Getting those creative juices flowing can perform the same task exercise does in allowing your brain to find a solution.
Having something you've made turn out well is also a booster.
Healthy Comfort Food: The caveat there is for two reasons.
The obvious is that most comfort foods are not healthy.
However, when you're feeling down, your body is under a lot of stress.
Eating foods high in salt, fat and sugar will actually increase the stress and deepen the depression.
We love pizza at our house, but it is high in a lot of stuff we shouldn't eat.
So, I came up with a healthy pizza sandwich.
It's simple, using two slices of bread, a slice of fresh tomato, some diced onions, chopped basil (fresh is best), low fat mozz cheese and five pieces of pepperoni.
Under 200 calories and tastes like a pizza.
Talk it out: Find a sympathetic ear and talk about your problems.
The person may not have a solution, but the act of talking about it could help break the log jam and help you see one for yourself.
Write about it: If it's too sensitive or you're too shy, write about it in a journal.
You can shred it later, if needs be, but the paper isn't going to laugh at you or make you feel worse.
In fact, it could be just as effective as talking.
Normal depression can be resolved, though it may take a bit of work on your part.
If it seems like the depression isn't going away or you begin to have thoughts of suicide, go to the doctor immediately.
It could be something more serious that requires medical intervention.
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