- 1). Launch your computer's Web browser and navigate to the "Manage Your Kindle" page at your Amazon.com account. Enter your Amazon.com username and password in the relevant boxes to log in.
- 2). Click the "Books" link in the "Your Kindle Library" section in the left-hand column. A list of your current Kindle ebooks will be displayed.
- 3). Hover the mouse pointer over the "Actions" button to the right of the ebook you want to lend out. A context menu will appear, with a list of options for that ebook file.
- 4). Select "Loan this title." A form will appear for you to enter information on the recipient.
- 5). Enter the recipient's email address and name in the relevant boxes, and enter your name in the "From" box. Add a personal message if required, and click the "Send now" button to loan the ebook. The ebook will automatically appear in the borrower's Kindle library. The whole process should take less than a minute to complete.