The thorn in the side of every new internet marketer is to get rapid free traffic to their websites, offers, squeeze pages or affiliate links. This is very true not just for newbies but also for intermediate marketers sometimes. As one may expect, its not setting up sites, because toys like wordpress make it a breeze. Building squeeze pages is also not a problem since there are many tools that will automatically create a proven squeeze page in minutes. And for someone who knows even a little about their topic, product creation has become very easy.
Quite clearly, driving traffic is a pain in the but for most internet marketers and needs some skill. There is a traffic course being launched almost every day and people still find it difficult to master. One would think that now since there are so many avenues of traffic available like facebook, youtube, digg, delicious and what not, it will be easier. The Gurus in the internet marketing space can still drive traffic literally on demand but here is the thing They are gurus and they were online when internet was still new. They are magnets and traffic is attracted to them. For the small guy, its not the same! People dont hang on to every word we say!
Having ranted about that, you also need to remember that the person you call a Guru was not always a Guru. No one is born with that status, its earned. For every big name guru out there, I am sure there would be hundreds of others who you never heard about.. Those people would have also started when the internet was young. In fact, I personally know some people who had great ideas and visions but they just could not make it eventually ended up quitting. So what is that really makes the difference?
TAKING ACTION, that is really the big secret. The ability to take consistent action is what will make or break your internet marketing business. Its never the tools that make you money, nor the program, nor the training. The only thing that matters is YOU.
Quite clearly, driving traffic is a pain in the but for most internet marketers and needs some skill. There is a traffic course being launched almost every day and people still find it difficult to master. One would think that now since there are so many avenues of traffic available like facebook, youtube, digg, delicious and what not, it will be easier. The Gurus in the internet marketing space can still drive traffic literally on demand but here is the thing They are gurus and they were online when internet was still new. They are magnets and traffic is attracted to them. For the small guy, its not the same! People dont hang on to every word we say!
Having ranted about that, you also need to remember that the person you call a Guru was not always a Guru. No one is born with that status, its earned. For every big name guru out there, I am sure there would be hundreds of others who you never heard about.. Those people would have also started when the internet was young. In fact, I personally know some people who had great ideas and visions but they just could not make it eventually ended up quitting. So what is that really makes the difference?
TAKING ACTION, that is really the big secret. The ability to take consistent action is what will make or break your internet marketing business. Its never the tools that make you money, nor the program, nor the training. The only thing that matters is YOU.