Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Electronic liquid

Am I safe to use electronic cigars?

There has been a lot of controversy as to whether electronic cigars are safe for use.  This has also led to major discussions and screening of this product to ascertain that it is a healthy product for human consumption. Many meetings have been held in the United Kingdom, in the united states of American and in Australia concerning the same. However, all the tests and results from labs and medical organisations have proven that in fact, e-cigarettes are a lot safer than tobacco rolled cigars. Nevertheless, these talks and discussions by high health officials have also revealed that there are risks that come with the use of these e-cigs, though only on a few people. Reactive persons for example are not advised to smoke at all, and it is best when they keep themselves free from these drugs.  In addition to this, nicotine intake is harmful for one's health, and anyone who can abstain from the same is much safer.

The question on how safe you are from using e-cigs is greatly dictated as to whether you are an addict or not. This product is mainly recommended for persons who are struggling with smoking problems, and those that cannot spend more than an hour without having a puff, or nicotine injection into their system.

Smoking electronic cigars is safer than using tobacco rolled cigars in the manner that, it reduces the number of harmful elements that your body takes in while you are smoking. Some of these compounds include the obvious ones like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, which is harmful on pregnant women and asthmatic persons. It is estimated that, tobacco smoke alone injects more than 1000 chemicals into the human blood stream, and this greatly affects a person's performance.  To reduce the risk of all the harmful chemicals, persons are advised to use e-cigs instead.

That other fact that makes the smoking of e-cigarettes safer is that, the liquid and nicotine contained in the cartridge is safe for human consumption.  Some people used to doubt the product simply because of the preservatives and additives added to make the liquids last for long.  Although you should have every reason to fear preservatives, all the additives used in the electronic cigar are taken from natural plant extracts like menthol and coffee among others. This means that the additives are safe for human consumption and cannot affect you in any way.

Electronic cigarettes also help protect other people from becoming secondary smokers. This is a reason enough to make it safe for human consumption. To make it a possibility, e-cigs use a vaporising system to avail nicotine into the lungs when one inhales, meaning no fire or tobacco smoke is present when the smoker starts using the device.  It is the absence of smoke that makes this cigar safe to other persons who is close to the smoker. This was the factor that most of these persons in health summits about electronic cigarettes considered to approve the product, while also considering that it has no direct harm on the user too.
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