To seduce a woman, there are certain secrets that you need to know in order to pull it off. For some guys, ones who already do quite well with women, these may not be that secret at all. However, if you are struggling to do well with women or you have never really put much thought into what you need to do in order to seduce a woman, they probably do seem like a secret to you. So, what are these female seduction secrets that you need to know?
Here are 3 that should put you on the fast track to succeeding at seducing women:
1. Pick up lines are only effective if you deliver them the right way.
Seduction and pick up lines go hand in hand, usually, at least as far as the questions that guys have. When most guys want to learn how to seduce women, one of the first things that they want to learn is, what are the most effective pick up lines to use, and the reality is that the way that you deliver them has a bigger effect than the actual line that you happen to use. For example, if you deliver a cheesy line, but say it with a smile on your face like you know that it is cheesy - it has a different effect as it would if you were to drop that line with a serious demeanor as if you didn't know that it was cheesy.
2. Going to the right places to meet women is also going to determine your success.
My favorite spots are still clubs and bars, but even with those you have to know how to pick them. One bar that I go to just to play pool and hang out with friends is a terrible spot to try to seduce a woman, simply because there are so few women that actually go there and the ones that do - well, let's just say that they are not the kind of women you'd be proud to go home with. If you want to have success with seducing women, you need to go to the RIGHT places to meet women.
3. How good or how bad you are at escalating attraction is also going to be a huge factor in determining your success.
Some guys get that initial attraction going with a woman, but they pretty much stay at that point and don't know how to escalate that attraction. If you spin your wheels and don't gain any ground with a woman once you have that initial attraction, you can't really expect to end up successfully seducing her, can you? So, one of the things that you really need to do is to learn how to escalate attraction as quickly as you can.
Here are 3 that should put you on the fast track to succeeding at seducing women:
1. Pick up lines are only effective if you deliver them the right way.
Seduction and pick up lines go hand in hand, usually, at least as far as the questions that guys have. When most guys want to learn how to seduce women, one of the first things that they want to learn is, what are the most effective pick up lines to use, and the reality is that the way that you deliver them has a bigger effect than the actual line that you happen to use. For example, if you deliver a cheesy line, but say it with a smile on your face like you know that it is cheesy - it has a different effect as it would if you were to drop that line with a serious demeanor as if you didn't know that it was cheesy.
2. Going to the right places to meet women is also going to determine your success.
My favorite spots are still clubs and bars, but even with those you have to know how to pick them. One bar that I go to just to play pool and hang out with friends is a terrible spot to try to seduce a woman, simply because there are so few women that actually go there and the ones that do - well, let's just say that they are not the kind of women you'd be proud to go home with. If you want to have success with seducing women, you need to go to the RIGHT places to meet women.
3. How good or how bad you are at escalating attraction is also going to be a huge factor in determining your success.
Some guys get that initial attraction going with a woman, but they pretty much stay at that point and don't know how to escalate that attraction. If you spin your wheels and don't gain any ground with a woman once you have that initial attraction, you can't really expect to end up successfully seducing her, can you? So, one of the things that you really need to do is to learn how to escalate attraction as quickly as you can.