- 1). Write a business plan. This includes developing the type of tile business services that will be provided and identifying the unique name for the company. It will also include identifying the market for the tiles, potential competitors and product suppliers. Calculate start-up costs in the tile company business plan. Identify business licenses, permits and certifications that may be required to operate the tile business in the company's state of operations.
- 2). Learn the tile business. The ability to understand trade industry terminology and design concepts will be important. Tile-making techniques vary, but it generally involves the flattening and cutting or molding clay pieces into shapes. Clay can also be compressed between two metal dies into desired shapes. Firing the clay shapes in a kiln under high heat hardens the body and creates surface glaze. There are various decorative techniques used by the tile trade craftsman.
- 3). Purchase or lease operational facilities for the tile business. This facility should include both retail and production space if tiles are being created by the business. Inventory storage and retail facilities are needed for the tile retail supplier.
- 4). Obtain supplies and equipment necessary for the tile industry sector that will be serviced. If creating tiles, purchase a kiln, clay, glazes and paints. If distributing tiles, secure tile suppliers. Both creating and distributing tile will require considering packaging and shipping materials. Tile suppliers are needed for the tile installation business only when clients are not providing tile sources. Interceramic Inc. is a tile manufacturer and distributor. Global Sources has a listing of dozens of ceramic tile manufacturers and suppliers.
- 5). Market and advertise the business. This includes advertising alongside interior design programs on radio and television. The TileLetter publication and TILE Magazine offer an assortment of industry information and marketing and advertising ideas for a tile business owner.