How do i catch it? It has been proven that mesothelioma's primary contributing factor is asbestos, when this research was done many people where shocked and afraid because asbestos was found in almost every house and building at the time.
Some people say the government tried to hide the findings at first because they didn't want people to panic, however this is just a theory and quite possibly is incorrect.
The results also showed that over a period of time the illness can be caught by inhaling microscopic particles of the asbestos.
Why did they start using asbestos in the first place? Because asbestos is a mineral that contain hollow fibres, these fibres are practically indestructible.
Asbestos is even capable of being compacted into a flexible material,Asbestos has actually been used for over a century.
Different type of asbestos.
One of the most common types of asbestos used in buildings is Chrysotile its white and can be used for things such as fireproofing.
Items commonly found to use asbestos: Decorative building materials Fireproofing Thermal insulation Dry wall, dry wall tape and plaster Texturized paints Roofing shingles, felt, tar, flashing Boilers Vinyl floor tiles Vehicle brake pads and clutches What can i do to prevent asbestos and mesothelioma illness? Now that the dangers of asbestos are understood more, most of the governments around the world have decided to put a pan on the use of asbestos.
The United States of America have banned the use of Asbestos since 1989.
However poorer countries such as china do not have western rules and are free to use Asbestos in buildings as its cheap.
What should i do if i think i have been exposed to Asbestos? You should go to you local general practitioner as soon as possible because the sooner you try to get the illness treated the more chance of a successful outcome you have.
Some people say the government tried to hide the findings at first because they didn't want people to panic, however this is just a theory and quite possibly is incorrect.
The results also showed that over a period of time the illness can be caught by inhaling microscopic particles of the asbestos.
Why did they start using asbestos in the first place? Because asbestos is a mineral that contain hollow fibres, these fibres are practically indestructible.
Asbestos is even capable of being compacted into a flexible material,Asbestos has actually been used for over a century.
Different type of asbestos.
One of the most common types of asbestos used in buildings is Chrysotile its white and can be used for things such as fireproofing.
Items commonly found to use asbestos: Decorative building materials Fireproofing Thermal insulation Dry wall, dry wall tape and plaster Texturized paints Roofing shingles, felt, tar, flashing Boilers Vinyl floor tiles Vehicle brake pads and clutches What can i do to prevent asbestos and mesothelioma illness? Now that the dangers of asbestos are understood more, most of the governments around the world have decided to put a pan on the use of asbestos.
The United States of America have banned the use of Asbestos since 1989.
However poorer countries such as china do not have western rules and are free to use Asbestos in buildings as its cheap.
What should i do if i think i have been exposed to Asbestos? You should go to you local general practitioner as soon as possible because the sooner you try to get the illness treated the more chance of a successful outcome you have.