Autoresponders can be the lifeline of your online marketing business.
With an autoresponder on your site, you can capture the names and e-mail addresses of your visitors so that your traffic doesn't disappear.
You can market to visitors again and again even after they leave your website.
But just imagine what would happen if your autoresponder messages went out to members of your list, but also to their friends and contacts? The potential for your list's growth through a "tell-a-friend" script is enormous.
With tell-a-friend integration, your list can grow by leaps and bounds all through the magic of relationship marketing.
Relationship marketing is the process of using someone's warm contacts to promote a product or service.
After all, aren't we all more likely to click on a link recommended by a friend or relative than one that appears in our e-mail inbox as spam? You can put the power of relationship marketing to work for you with the easy to use tell-a-friend script within some autoresponder systems.
When someone receives a message from your autoresponder, they'll have the option of using the tell-a-friend script to send an invite to their contacts for the entire course.
The new person can opt in and start receiving your great information.
Not only does the tell-a-friend script help build your list, but the leads that you receive from your member's recommendations are more likely to be in a position to receive your information.
Since the recommendation is coming from a trusted source, this puts your course, eBook or product head and shoulders above other similar offerings in your niche.
The viral tell-a-friend script is just one of the dozens of features that makes this autoresponder different from other autoresponder services out there.
With an autoresponder on your site, you can capture the names and e-mail addresses of your visitors so that your traffic doesn't disappear.
You can market to visitors again and again even after they leave your website.
But just imagine what would happen if your autoresponder messages went out to members of your list, but also to their friends and contacts? The potential for your list's growth through a "tell-a-friend" script is enormous.
With tell-a-friend integration, your list can grow by leaps and bounds all through the magic of relationship marketing.
Relationship marketing is the process of using someone's warm contacts to promote a product or service.
After all, aren't we all more likely to click on a link recommended by a friend or relative than one that appears in our e-mail inbox as spam? You can put the power of relationship marketing to work for you with the easy to use tell-a-friend script within some autoresponder systems.
When someone receives a message from your autoresponder, they'll have the option of using the tell-a-friend script to send an invite to their contacts for the entire course.
The new person can opt in and start receiving your great information.
Not only does the tell-a-friend script help build your list, but the leads that you receive from your member's recommendations are more likely to be in a position to receive your information.
Since the recommendation is coming from a trusted source, this puts your course, eBook or product head and shoulders above other similar offerings in your niche.
The viral tell-a-friend script is just one of the dozens of features that makes this autoresponder different from other autoresponder services out there.