Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Stop Wasting Time and Money With Your Article Marketing

Online marketers are always arguing for or against the value of article marketing.
Many will argue that article marketing could provide real traffic and sales to ones' website, and furthermore, article submission has the potential to offer some serious SEO value to the marketers' websites.
Many more will tell you that article marketing is an utter waste of time and money...
The difference between those who do well with article marketing and those who do not is usually a matter of education, or lack thereof...
Those who succeed with article marketing generally know a few things that others don't, and just as importantly, these people understand the nature of the article marketing landscape.
Those who fail with article marketing do so for a number of reasons, although most importantly, the reason for failure is rooted in a lack of knowledge about how to truly make article marketing work for them, and the lack of understanding about an always shifting landscape of article marketing.
Other reasons many online marketers fail with article marketing: * They think that one article is a good test of the technique.
Even the greatest baseball player in history (Ty Cobb) only batted.
367, which is just a hair over one hit for every three "at bats".
Even the professional article marketers, who have a track record of making hundreds of thousands of dollars with article marketing, do not produce winners at the same level as Ty Cobb provided hits...
There are no article marketers who hit it out of the park every time...
As with anything else in life, article marketing success is dictated by the Law Of Averages.
So consider this: If the professional article writers do not hit it out of the park with every article, what makes YOU think that your one article is a "good test" of the technique? * People suppose that since article marketing is a method of advertising, then they should "advertise" in their articles.
But, it does not work that way.
People want information, so in articles, we give them the information that they want.
All advertising should be reserved for the Authors' Resource Box that follows the article - this is also where you will place your anchor text links, to influence your websites' rankings in the search engines.
* Press Releases are for sharing news about your company.
Articles are for sharing information that people want to know.
In your press release, you should mention the name of your company / website inside the main body of text.
But with articles, you should only mention your company / website in the Authors' Resource Box.
* If people will not want to read your article, reputable publishers will not want to publish your article.
The Always Shifting Landscape Websites that are willing to accept your articles directly fall into two categories: * Those who will publish anything; and * Those who have editorial standards and are very selective about the articles they are willing to accept from marketers...
Those who will publish anything generally find it difficult to attract repeat visitors...
Therefore, they find that attracting visitors is a struggle that never ends.
This results in websites that do not provide profits to the website owner...
How many websites do you own where you will keep pumping money into them, once you have come to the realization that those websites will never turn a profit for you? New website owners will frequently prepay up to two years of domain registration and web hosting.
As you can imagine, if after two years the website has never turned a profit, the site will close when its registration expires.
The other side of this coin is that if the website is not earning money, the website owner will frequently quit working on it, well before the website expires...
So if it is an article directory, don't be surprised when you realize that the website works, but no one is home to approve your article submissions...
Those webmasters, who do have editorial standards, find attracting and keeping visitors to be much easier...
And as a result, they find that earning a profit is not only realistic, but it is a way of life...
Article Directories that have editorial standards, like IdeaMarketers.
com, will continue to be around for a very long time.
In operation since 2001, IdeaMarketers has always operated with clear editorial standards in place, and so long as its owners continue to exercise the prerogative to have editorial standards, you can bet that this website will continue to attract repeat visitors and to earn a profit for years to come.
Quality information is the key to the survival of websites and to writing articles that will stand the test of time, delivering a lifetime of traffic and sales.
Here Today...
Gone Tomorrow...
If for one minute, you rely on websites that will publish anything, to make your article marketing campaigns work for you, then you will find that most of your article submission efforts will be wasted...
The owners of a vast majority of the Article Directories are not even approving the articles that have been submitted to them...
And even if they are approving articles, most of those websites that will accept your article submissions will close within two years, due to a lack of profits, resulting from a lack of editorial standards on the part of the website owner.
The vast majority of websites, which accept articles from the public, stop approving articles within just a few months...
Thereafter, when the domain expires, the website and your articles on it will disappear into the dust bin of history...
In Conclusion...
If you focus only on you or your products / website in your articles, then you will have no one to blame for your failure, but you...
But, if you focus on providing your readers information that they can use and will enjoy reading, then your article marketing campaigns could provide the level of success to you that you seek, just as it has provided success to the many authors, whose names you know and websites you recognize by name...
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