As asthma becomes more and more common, millions of people around the world now suffer from asthma on a daily basis. Chronic asthma sufferers are plagued by symptoms of coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and tightness of the chest. While these symptoms generally occur during the early morning or late nights, they could occur at any point during the day and depending upon environmental conditions, could become even more severe.
How Can You Treat Asthma?
Asthma is generally treated through the use of a steroid-based inhaler. As the symptoms of asthma cause a reduction in the size of the airways (leading to shortness of breath), the use of these inhalers expands and opens the airways again relieving the symptoms. Unfortunately most often these inhalers do also tend to increase the speed at which the heart beats, causing it to race slightly and while this is not inherently harmful it can be uncomfortable. However while this is an effective treatment in most cases, there are instances where this is not suitable and you can either provide natural asthma relief, or in more severe cases have to look at alternative options for your treatment.
Treating Severe Asthma
While the most common treatment for asthma is through the use of an inhaler, for severe cases, additional emergency methods such as Oxygen and Heliox are also used. However these are generally the exceptions as in most instances asthma can be treated through normal channels and in fact, in some instances can be dealt with naturally providing natural asthma relief.
All Natural
Treating asthma naturally is more a matter of treating the causes of asthma. These generally include allergens inside the home and these can be dealt with by completely disinfecting the home. In addition to cleaning the home with anti bacteria and antivirus sprays however, steps should be taken to deal with allergens in the bedding and clothes also. To do this you would either obtain different laundry detergents or coverings for the mattresses or both. In this way it is possible to obtain natural asthma relief.
Another treatment for asthma sufferers is diet and exercise.There have been many studies published that have shown a direct link between obesity and asthma in individuals and by working on your diet and improving your overall level of fitness and health, you can work with your own bodies immune system to deal with the symptoms of asthma.
How Can You Treat Asthma?
Asthma is generally treated through the use of a steroid-based inhaler. As the symptoms of asthma cause a reduction in the size of the airways (leading to shortness of breath), the use of these inhalers expands and opens the airways again relieving the symptoms. Unfortunately most often these inhalers do also tend to increase the speed at which the heart beats, causing it to race slightly and while this is not inherently harmful it can be uncomfortable. However while this is an effective treatment in most cases, there are instances where this is not suitable and you can either provide natural asthma relief, or in more severe cases have to look at alternative options for your treatment.
Treating Severe Asthma
While the most common treatment for asthma is through the use of an inhaler, for severe cases, additional emergency methods such as Oxygen and Heliox are also used. However these are generally the exceptions as in most instances asthma can be treated through normal channels and in fact, in some instances can be dealt with naturally providing natural asthma relief.
All Natural
Treating asthma naturally is more a matter of treating the causes of asthma. These generally include allergens inside the home and these can be dealt with by completely disinfecting the home. In addition to cleaning the home with anti bacteria and antivirus sprays however, steps should be taken to deal with allergens in the bedding and clothes also. To do this you would either obtain different laundry detergents or coverings for the mattresses or both. In this way it is possible to obtain natural asthma relief.
Another treatment for asthma sufferers is diet and exercise.There have been many studies published that have shown a direct link between obesity and asthma in individuals and by working on your diet and improving your overall level of fitness and health, you can work with your own bodies immune system to deal with the symptoms of asthma.