So do you want to earn as much as $10,000 monthly by just promoting offline businesses? If you are an internet marketer then you are a good candidate to be a consultant for offline business because generally, they are the ones who will need your skills and services in their marketing campaign. Most of the time offline businesses have websites that are too basic and simple because they rely more on direct promotion. In effect they do not get enough traffic because of the insufficient content of their websites. So if you want to know how to make money through internet marketing consultation for offline industry here are the things you must do.
1. If you do not have a website yet, then better make one so that you can present and explain your services. The function of your websites is to give details on what you can do for potential clients. Indicate your contact information including your phone number. Most offline businessmen will not have time to browse much of your web pages, so make sure your first page is concise. However, do not underestimate the intelligence of your potential clients, because just like you, they want every cent worth of value for what they are engaging into.
2. Once you have established a solid and significant website for clients to visit then, indicate your rate for the service. Some consultants may prefer to put their available assistance on an hourly rate, while others on a weekly basis. Determine how much you will be paid for your services, because what the clients want is a good service which in their eyes justifies the expenditure payment. How you make money using your skills makes you different to other people because they do not have the expertise or resources, so you pretty much have the right to name your price and bargain.
3. If you want to earn more then you need to find more potential customers. There are websites that are continuously seeking assistance for their marketing needs. So better use your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) skills in finding clients. You will be amazed at how many offline businesses are looking for such services to develop their internet marketing strategies.
Making money by assisting offline businesses is one surefire way on to make a lot of money, without the need to give up your regular job. You can do consultations as part time or full time jobs or anytime at your convenience. All you need is your computer, internet connection, and your marketing skills to start earning lots of money by being an internet business coach. Some consultants base their rate on their expertise, and so they always command higher rates but that is not a good concept.
If you are earning only about three thousand dollars a month but good in what you do people will look for you, this will be your chance to command bigger fees. Prove your worth first before demanding higher recompense. Offline businessmen sometimes are not familiar with how offline consultants operate, and with just an hour of your time you can make huge amounts of money when they discover your capability.
1. If you do not have a website yet, then better make one so that you can present and explain your services. The function of your websites is to give details on what you can do for potential clients. Indicate your contact information including your phone number. Most offline businessmen will not have time to browse much of your web pages, so make sure your first page is concise. However, do not underestimate the intelligence of your potential clients, because just like you, they want every cent worth of value for what they are engaging into.
2. Once you have established a solid and significant website for clients to visit then, indicate your rate for the service. Some consultants may prefer to put their available assistance on an hourly rate, while others on a weekly basis. Determine how much you will be paid for your services, because what the clients want is a good service which in their eyes justifies the expenditure payment. How you make money using your skills makes you different to other people because they do not have the expertise or resources, so you pretty much have the right to name your price and bargain.
3. If you want to earn more then you need to find more potential customers. There are websites that are continuously seeking assistance for their marketing needs. So better use your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) skills in finding clients. You will be amazed at how many offline businesses are looking for such services to develop their internet marketing strategies.
Making money by assisting offline businesses is one surefire way on to make a lot of money, without the need to give up your regular job. You can do consultations as part time or full time jobs or anytime at your convenience. All you need is your computer, internet connection, and your marketing skills to start earning lots of money by being an internet business coach. Some consultants base their rate on their expertise, and so they always command higher rates but that is not a good concept.
If you are earning only about three thousand dollars a month but good in what you do people will look for you, this will be your chance to command bigger fees. Prove your worth first before demanding higher recompense. Offline businessmen sometimes are not familiar with how offline consultants operate, and with just an hour of your time you can make huge amounts of money when they discover your capability.