- 1). Contact the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. Advise the Social Security representative that you would like to have Social Security Form SSA-7050-F4 mailed to you. This form can also be downloaded and printed from the Social Security Online website (see the Resources section of this article).
- 2). Complete the form by entering the employee's name, Social Security number, date of birth and all names the employee has used.
- 3). Obtain written permission from the individual, if you are requesting employment records for someone other than yourself. The written permission must indicate the name of the individual and the name of the person he is giving permission to. His statement must say that he is giving you permission to obtain his employment records. The written permission statement must be signed and dated by the individual.
- 4). Submit the completed form, along with the permission slip (if applicable) to the address that is listed on the form. Include the necessary processing fees. The processing fee will vary depending upon the number of years for which you are requesting records. The fee schedule is listed on the form.
- 5). Wait to receive the employment records in the mail. This can take up to four months from the date your form is received and processed by the Social Security Administration.