Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

New Investors Learn How to Buy Stocks Online

Before you embark on your adventure into buying stocks you must first open a banking account, and deposit funds into the account.
Keep your investment account separate from any accounts you may already have.
Once the account is funded, then you can begin your search for a broker, using your internet skills you will do research and investigate different brokers at the same time look at any other aspects you need to know before you make the approach to a broker.
Using online to trade gives you 24 hour access to your account to be able to check movement of your investments.
Stock brokers also find online trading advantageous.
This makes this an easy communication tool between investor and broker.
Brokers that have been in business for a number of years are a safe bet to do business with, look for one that offers a full service to help you while you are learning.
Be thorough in your researches into brokers and find the best one within your budget.
Look for a broker that enjoys a good reputation, and don't judge a broker by his fee.
Open an account online with the broker you choose, when applying you will have to give the broker personal details, stipulate the amount the broker can move from your account into his, a good reason to choose a trustworthy broker to facilitate your investments.
The whole process should take a few days to effect transfer of funds and the establishment of the account.
Take this waiting time to consult with your broker either by phone, email or even instant messaging such as skype, Ask questions about control of your account, future investment, where the stock is traded on NYSE or NASDAQ, the amount of stocks you wish to buy.
When you order will expire if you choose not to have your order fulfilled immediately, and the general overall management of your account.
Stipulate your requirement whether to select a market order or a limited order.
At this time you can ask that your order be executed with the stock reaches a specific price.
You can also stipulate a price range where it the stock does not reach that level then the transaction is not executed.
Once all the parameters have been established, and you and your broker are satisfied that all aspects have been covered, then you will put in your bid with your broker.
It will only take the broker a few flicks of the wrist to key in the information on his computer.
Keeping track and watching the movement of your investment, you will have established a good rapport with your broker, then you will now be in a good position to be able to buy stocks online in the foreseeable future
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