When you go online looking for information on how to grow hair, it is usually meant for people who are going bald or have thinning hair.
But, if you are just someone who wants their hair to grow faster, which many of us experience after a haircut, then you may want to know how to speed up hair growth.
While this may seem impossible, there are actually some very proven ways to make your hair grow faster.
Nutrition If you are eating a poor diet or one that is full of processed foods, then you aren't really giving your hair a fair chance to grow.
Your hair needs a lot of nutrients in order to grow quickly, and that includes an abundance of protein.
So, while you may be on a low calorie diet in order to lose weight, don't forget to take your multi-vitamin and try to get a fair amount of lean protein to promote your hair's rapid growth.
Blood Flow Another way how to speed up hair growth is to increase the blood flow to your head.
You can do this by combing your hair with a thick comb when it is wet, making sure to give your head a good massage at the same time.
There are also such devices as head massagers that you can use on your own to stimulate more blood flow to the hair follicles.
Hair Products If you take a look at the bottles that contain your shampoo, your conditioner, and the various other products that you might put on your hair, you will see that there are a lot of ingredients that you can't even pronounce.
This usually means that they aren't natural, nor are they organic, and while they may smell nice, they are actually slowing down the growth of your hair.
In order to test how to speed up hair growth, many people stop using traditional hair products and switch over to those that are organic and have no chemicals (particularly sulfates).
By choosing a natural product, you should find that the rate of growth increases over time.
Hair Styling If you are using a blow dryer, a curling iron, or a flat iron, then not only are you slowing down the growth of your hair, but your damaging each individual follicle.
You should really try to choose a style that doesn't require you to use heating elements on your hair, and reserve those only for special occasions.
The best advice is to gently towel dry your hair and allow it to dry the rest of the way naturally.
Not only will your hair grow quicker, but the quality of your hair will greatly improve.
What Else Can You Do? There are also some other products that can help to speed up hair growth while also making your hair look better.
These are usually oil-based and even though some people think that putting oil on their hair will make it greasy or more apt to look dirty, in fact it is the best way to take care of your hair and has been used for thousands of years for this exact purpose.
Oil-based products that are natural and organic, especially when they are massaged into the scalp, can help to protect your hair from damage and actually encourage the individual hair follicles to open up and allow your hair to grow.
Rather than using a commercial conditioner to make your hair softer or more manageable, a natural oil such as olive oil, can really provide your hair with more shine, increase its rate of growth, and make it more manageable, no matter what kind of hair you have.
But, if you are just someone who wants their hair to grow faster, which many of us experience after a haircut, then you may want to know how to speed up hair growth.
While this may seem impossible, there are actually some very proven ways to make your hair grow faster.
Nutrition If you are eating a poor diet or one that is full of processed foods, then you aren't really giving your hair a fair chance to grow.
Your hair needs a lot of nutrients in order to grow quickly, and that includes an abundance of protein.
So, while you may be on a low calorie diet in order to lose weight, don't forget to take your multi-vitamin and try to get a fair amount of lean protein to promote your hair's rapid growth.
Blood Flow Another way how to speed up hair growth is to increase the blood flow to your head.
You can do this by combing your hair with a thick comb when it is wet, making sure to give your head a good massage at the same time.
There are also such devices as head massagers that you can use on your own to stimulate more blood flow to the hair follicles.
Hair Products If you take a look at the bottles that contain your shampoo, your conditioner, and the various other products that you might put on your hair, you will see that there are a lot of ingredients that you can't even pronounce.
This usually means that they aren't natural, nor are they organic, and while they may smell nice, they are actually slowing down the growth of your hair.
In order to test how to speed up hair growth, many people stop using traditional hair products and switch over to those that are organic and have no chemicals (particularly sulfates).
By choosing a natural product, you should find that the rate of growth increases over time.
Hair Styling If you are using a blow dryer, a curling iron, or a flat iron, then not only are you slowing down the growth of your hair, but your damaging each individual follicle.
You should really try to choose a style that doesn't require you to use heating elements on your hair, and reserve those only for special occasions.
The best advice is to gently towel dry your hair and allow it to dry the rest of the way naturally.
Not only will your hair grow quicker, but the quality of your hair will greatly improve.
What Else Can You Do? There are also some other products that can help to speed up hair growth while also making your hair look better.
These are usually oil-based and even though some people think that putting oil on their hair will make it greasy or more apt to look dirty, in fact it is the best way to take care of your hair and has been used for thousands of years for this exact purpose.
Oil-based products that are natural and organic, especially when they are massaged into the scalp, can help to protect your hair from damage and actually encourage the individual hair follicles to open up and allow your hair to grow.
Rather than using a commercial conditioner to make your hair softer or more manageable, a natural oil such as olive oil, can really provide your hair with more shine, increase its rate of growth, and make it more manageable, no matter what kind of hair you have.