Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Free South Beach Diet Tips

So I am sure everyone has bought many books and done much research on their part to find the best diet.
Just when you think you see the best diet on TV, another diet ad comes up and you are even more confused.
They all give you before and after pictures to prove their results.
Some even get celebrities to promote their products in the hopes that someone will buy it.
I know you know what I'm talking about.
So a few years ago, this new South Beach diet came to the public.
Now first thing that comes to mind, is wow! If it's from sunny Miami where everyone on the beach looks like a model then it has to work right? I personally think they are great advertisers.
Everyone loves Miami, and the beach right.
And for those of us that don't have the body for it, we would be the first ones to get their program.
Well ok, let's read on now.
So what really is behind the South Beach Diet? Well basically what they want you to do is have three meals every day.
Oh don't worry because those meals consist of having dessert.
So far so good right? This package is made into three different phases.
The three phases are:
  1. Takes two weeks and is kind of a strict diet.
  2. More options and you stay until your goal is reached.
  3. All about keeping your weight steady and a lifestyle change.
That's right, you heard correctly.
I said lifestyle change which means you have to use their program forever, otherwise you'll have to start over to phase one.
So you think it's a cake walk huh.
They mention that you don't have to exercise but then contradict themselves by saying you should to maintain the weight.
I personally think this is a more strict diet then others.
It would be really hard for first time dieters.
However if you have the discipline and want to take your chances, then go for it.
All in all, it comes down to burning more calories then you intake.
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