Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

6 Steps to Reverse Diabetes Using Natural Cures

Is There a Cure for Diabetes?

A diagnosis of diabetes often creates fear in the patient. After all, our healthcare
providers tell us that this disease is incurable … Right? Well not so—say may respected
members of the medical and scientific community.

One fact remains very obvious—drugs and insulin therapy doesn't cure anything—it merely
treats the symptom: hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is the condition in which an excessive
amount of glucose is circulating in the blood stream.

The pancreas manufactures insulin, the task of which is to convert sugar and starches into
glucose, and then transport it to the muscle and body tissue cells. Type 1 diabetes is when
the pancreas stops producing insulin. Type 2 diabetes is a condition wherein insulin output
is low or the cells refuse to take the energy-providing glucose.

Symptoms of Diabetes

The classic symptoms of hyperglycemia are frequent hunger, frequent urination and being
constantly thirsty. Other symptoms that might occur are fatigue, male impotence, dry mouth,
weight loss, blurred vision and dry, itchy skin. Hypoglycemia represents low blood sugar.

Here's a Scientific Brealthrough!

A respected microbiologist and scientist, Dr. Robert O. Young is convinced that he has
discovered the cause of diabetes. His discoveries sent shockwaves through the scientific
community. Dr. Young discovered that the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin are being heavily damaged by acids from the "junk foods" we consume. But most importantly—the damage can be repaired. His work in conjunction with Johns Hopkins Medical School revealed that this new evidence is deemed indisputable and irrefutable.

In a report from the National Institutes of Health, we learn that physician Dr. Richard
Bernstein was placed on insulin therapy at age 12. Recently the National Institutes of Health
quoted him as saying, "How long can we as a profession afford to keep our heads in the sand regarding the benefits of low carb diets for diabetics?"

So why is this madness of drugs and insulin injections being perpetuated? Because it is a 100 Billion Dollar Business, that's why!

Here are just six steps the diabetic can take to reverse the ravages of diabetes:

1.    Stop all consumption of sugar. Do not add sugar to drinks or other foods.

2.    Stop buying "prepared" foods. Nearly all packaged foods contain an abundance of
sugar. Read the labels!

3.    Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Avoid the "whites" like potatoes,
rice and any form of white flour. Low carbs is the key to restoring your health.

4.    Once a day take two tablespoons of cinnamon. Sprinkle it over a salad with no-sugar
dressing or take it in capsule form.

5.    One dietary supplement that is often recommended is Alpha Lipoic Acid

6.    Exercise on a regular basis. Join a gym or tale long, brisk walks several times a week.

This article barely covers the many natural methods now being recommended by medical experts. A complete report is available through the link below. This information will help you to make an informed decision about how to develop your own course of treatment.

More Information is HERE!

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