Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for the Non-specialist
It is well recognised that frail older patients present a considerable clinical challenge as a consequence of polypharmacy, multimorbidity and presentations which have functional, psychological, social and environmental dimensions such that they confound straightforward mono-disciplinary management. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment provides a contrasting model of care to traditional approaches focussed on single problems by single clinicians, being multidimensional and multidisciplinary. It generates problem lists, as well as diagnoses. It establishes goal-oriented management plans and ensures that they are reviewed. Done well, it delivers effective healthcare to vulnerable groups who otherwise would have received an ineffective, inefficient and potentially unsafe response. It is evidence based and works to improve patient wellbeing and reduce hospital re-admissions. If enshrined into service models and clinical pathways it could go some considerable way to minimising harm and ensuring that the right healthcare gets practiced, at the right time.
It is well recognised that frail older patients present a considerable clinical challenge as a consequence of polypharmacy, multimorbidity and presentations which have functional, psychological, social and environmental dimensions such that they confound straightforward mono-disciplinary management. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment provides a contrasting model of care to traditional approaches focussed on single problems by single clinicians, being multidimensional and multidisciplinary. It generates problem lists, as well as diagnoses. It establishes goal-oriented management plans and ensures that they are reviewed. Done well, it delivers effective healthcare to vulnerable groups who otherwise would have received an ineffective, inefficient and potentially unsafe response. It is evidence based and works to improve patient wellbeing and reduce hospital re-admissions. If enshrined into service models and clinical pathways it could go some considerable way to minimising harm and ensuring that the right healthcare gets practiced, at the right time.