Society & Culture & Entertainment Movies

Robert Rodriguez Discusses "Sin City"

Nancy as an Exotic Dancer vs. a Topless Dancer: ?Some of the things were just decisions for keeping the sexiness of something, but not necessarily being like it is in the book. There are single panels but when you it in the movie it just keeps going. After a certain point it would look like we?re just filming for our own pleasure, rather than getting the point of the story [across].?
Jessica Alba and Nudity: ?She probably wouldn?t have done the topless nudity and also the way the Nancy character was built, she wouldn?t have looked like that anyway.

It would have had to have been a special effect anyway. If you look at the book it was just unbelievable. Like, ?Frank, I think your hand went a little astray here.? No one really looks like that. I don?t know if anyone can live up to that.?

Collaborating With Frank Miller: ?It was very complimentary. I really want him to be a director, rather than just there as writer or as a producer because I really felt if he just came as that, they might just stick him in a corner and feed him a sandwich every once in a while. But if he was there as a director, everyone would have to listen to him. And I wanted it not to be ?Robert Rodriguez?s Sin City.? I loved the book so much I wanted it to be as close to something that he would do as a movie as possible. And it was very complimentary.

I tried not to do any contradictory directing. If he told an actor one thing, I wouldn?t tell them the exact opposite. It was more like a tag team. We were just like, ?Tag,? he goes in. He let me handle all the visual stuff.

He was really there working with the actors, knowing all the characters so well. He was able to tell them things I didn?t know about the characters because it?s not all in book. A lot of it is in his head, and they loved that. They loved being able to know where the character was going in future volumes or what he was thinking when he put it together ? how it should be formed."

Rules for Directing: ?It just kind of naturally flowed that way. I mean, I would be on the camera working with the actor there, and he?d be on the monitor, and he?d come tell the actor something. We?d talk about things. It just felt very natural. It felt like it just worked. When I would get a shot and I thought we had it and the actor knew it, I?d turn around and sure enough Frank would have a huge smile on his face and he?d say, ?You got it. Let?s move on to the next round.??

?Sin City? and Audience Appeal: ?I think people just really want something new. I?ve gotten so much?people telling me they?ve seen just the trailer and they?re like, ?Wow!? I was talking to a waiter friend of mine and he said, ?What are you up to?? I said, ?I?m finishing ?Sin City.? ?Oh man! I saw the trailer online and that thing?s off the hook!?

Everything?s the same and when you see something like this, you realize how much movies are very much the same. This is a real breath of fresh air, I think. And I think it?s very pulpy and very stylized and it?s just something different, new, entertaining and exciting, and people are looking for that. They do realize that they?ve seen a lot of the same thing out there.

Part of it was I didn?t really care. I mean, when Frank wrote the book he purposely went and made something that he wanted to see himself. He had been through the Hollywood process. He got screwed around and never got to make a movie. He went back and said, ?I?m just going to do what I do best. I?m just going to draw. In fact, I?m going to draw something probably nobody wants to see. It?s going to be black and white, it?s going to have really cool hardcore women, cool vintage cars, tough men. It?s called Sin City and no one will probably buy it, but it?s what I want to make.? And it became successful and I said, ?That?s the purist way to make something.? He never foresaw it being a movie. He never foresaw it being mass produced, and was very unselfconscious. That?s why I wanted to do it and stay true to the book and not even re-think it, because then we?d be too self-conscious.?

PAGE 3:Robert Rodriguez on Casting Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen, and Benicio Del Toro in "Sin City"
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