Insurance Renters Insurance

Getting Full Claims Settlement - Matching the Appearance, Color and Texture of Replacements

We had a major hailstorm that damaged our roof and 2 sides of our home.
Our home is 20 years old, and matching replacement siding is likely unavailable.
I wonder what would happen in the event that a match couldn't be found.
While the insurance company would argue that the mismatch will be hidden from the plain view, there is no requirement that a damage needs to be clearly visible.
If only two sides are replaced with new siding there will be an impact on the property value.
Insurance company needs to restore the home as if the damage did not happen.
Get as much proof from experts indicating that to fix the "damaged" property and not be worse off than before, you have to match the property.
And, you must show that it is impossible to somehow "patch" the damaged area so it will match.
Get experts to back you on the claim and many insurance adjusters will pay.
Typically you should look to real estate agents, appraisers and neighborhood associations for help in establishing the impact of damage to the property value and aesthetics.
Same principle applies even if the damage is not to roof and siding which are external.
Sometimes the color and pattern of the carpeting originally used is discontinued, it is impossible to replace the damaged carpeting in one area.
You may be justified to ask replacing all of the carpeting in the surrounding areas, for example the entire bedroom wing of the house.
Even if the same color and texture of carpeting could be obtained, to replace only the damaged portions of the carpet, may result in unsightly seams at the juncture point and contrast between the old and the new carpeting that is readily apparent and have an adverse effect on the overall market value of the house.
In a similar case, insurance company wished only to pay for the floor to be patched, and not replaced.
The floor is of vinyl covering such as is purchased in a roll.
It is not tile.
Insurance agreement states that insurance company is obliged to repair or replace damaged property.
The court found that vinyl flooring cannot be said to be repaired if an obvious patch is left and the whole floor ought to be replaced.
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