Shin splints (or Tibial Stress Syndrome) are a common leg pain or condition that athletes, dancers, and runners incur; however, it's more of a symptom of an underlying problem.Typically, the pain is associated with the lower part of the leg between the ankle and the knee towards the shin bone. Shin splints will often heal on their own with basic medical treatment and rest; however, if the pain is persistent and/or increasing in intensity, one should seek medical advice from a physician.
The pain associated with shin splints is most often a dull achy pain. Yet shin splints can affect people in different ways. Some feel the pain during exercise, others afterwards, and even a constant ache at anytime can occur. Typically the pain is around the shin bone or the adjacent muscles that maybe swollen and tender to the touch.
Shin splints are not a medical condition but a symptom to another underlying set of conditions such as:
It's a very common condition in the running community and is known to be the cause of @10-15% of all running injuries. As with all athletes, it occurs most often when one increases the level of intensity with their workouts, an extreme change in environments such as switching from running on gravel to asphalt, and/or from using older shoes that have broken down and lost their structure and shock absorption abilities.
Proper prevention of shin splints include:
We find that our customers greatest preferences in Shoe Insoles and Orthotic Arch Supports are:
Common treatments for Shin Splints include:
Seeking medical advice is highly recommended for a proper diagnosis and treatment –especially if the pain persists as other problems or even severe stress fractures maybe the cause of pain.
One must remember that no two people are alike and that the pain may last longer with –up to 3 to 6 months in some cases. It is suggested that one cut back their exercise regime severely. Runners should consider cutting back on mileage, avoiding hard surfaces, and/or consider swimming until the pain subsides.
Let us know if we at The Insole can help you.
The pain associated with shin splints is most often a dull achy pain. Yet shin splints can affect people in different ways. Some feel the pain during exercise, others afterwards, and even a constant ache at anytime can occur. Typically the pain is around the shin bone or the adjacent muscles that maybe swollen and tender to the touch.
Shin splints are not a medical condition but a symptom to another underlying set of conditions such as:
- Swollen and/or irritated muscles do to overuse/extreme stress
- Flat Feet or Over-Pronation from a collapsing foot arch putting stress on the foot muscles and tendons
- High –Arched Foot due to a poor shock absorption structure
- Stress Fractures which are tiny hairline breaks in the lower leg bones
It's a very common condition in the running community and is known to be the cause of @10-15% of all running injuries. As with all athletes, it occurs most often when one increases the level of intensity with their workouts, an extreme change in environments such as switching from running on gravel to asphalt, and/or from using older shoes that have broken down and lost their structure and shock absorption abilities.
Proper prevention of shin splints include:
- Stretching and strengthening of the leg muscles
- Proper footwear with good shock absorption
- Shoe Insoles or Orthotic Arch Supports for over-pronation
- Avoidance of running on hard surfaces and/or extreme running/jumping on the ball of foot
We find that our customers greatest preferences in Shoe Insoles and Orthotic Arch Supports are:
- Spenco Polysorb Total Support Insoles
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- Superfeet Green Premium Insoles
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- Powerstep Pinnacle Orthotics
- Pedag Viva Orthotic Arch Support Insert
Common treatments for Shin Splints include:
- Icing the shin or effected area to reduce pain and swelling for 20-30 minutes every 3-4 hours for 2-3 days until the pain has subsided.
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- Taking Anti-Inflammatory Painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen to assist with the pain and swelling.
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- Arch Supports either custom made or Over-The -Counter Orthotics to assist with proper support for fallen (flat feet) arches or high arches.
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- Use of a Neoprene sleeve to both warm and support the leg muscles.
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- Exercise for both strengthening, range of motion, and flexibility.
Seeking medical advice is highly recommended for a proper diagnosis and treatment –especially if the pain persists as other problems or even severe stress fractures maybe the cause of pain.
One must remember that no two people are alike and that the pain may last longer with –up to 3 to 6 months in some cases. It is suggested that one cut back their exercise regime severely. Runners should consider cutting back on mileage, avoiding hard surfaces, and/or consider swimming until the pain subsides.
Let us know if we at The Insole can help you.