Health & Medical Depression

Which Antidepressant Medication Is Best and Will Work for You?

The best medication therapy for a person with depression depends whether the prescribed antidepressant medications work for the individual taking them.
Some do not take nicely to atypical antidepressants, but when they take other antidepressants good results are seen.
But expectations to the efficacy of these drugs should not be too high lest one becomes disappointed when it will not work.
A good collaboration between the client and the physician is always best to obtain the best results.
Besides it is the physician who knows which drugs to be prescribed in the first place, and they are the best person to deal with any side effects a client may experience.
Generally, clients complain of loss of sexual drive and unexplained weight gain.
To battle out the loss of sexual drive, the best antidepressants to take is Remeron and Serzone.
Remeron helps those clients with sexual dysfunction, but this medication can cause weight gain.
It has also been found that Prozac and Effexor works best when the client is diabetic and has to watch his weight.
Of course, antidepressant medications don't work miracles on one intake alone.
These medications necessitate taking them in various doses over a period of time to be more effective.
The best antidepressant medications have been known to be different for every person.
Hence, the dosage and period of therapy clearly depends on how the client reacts to the medications.
Wellbutrin, is best to take if you want to stop smoking and treat depression at the same time.
This drug has been discovered to have the same ingredient as Zyban the more popular of the stop smoking drugs available.
Cymbalta is best for those with stiffness or soreness because it has a pain relieving effect in it.
As one may find out, it takes time to find the best antidepressant medication for him.
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