About.com Rating
Updated May 07, 2014.
The Bottom Line
People with fairly white teeth to begin with, like myself, may not notice any whitening results. That being said, I did notice my teeth seemed to brighten and almost sparkle after I used the rinse for an extended period.
I like the idea behind this product, however I feel most consumers looking for a teeth whitening product have very high expectations in regards to their expected results.
Users may be disappointed with their results, again, depending on what they are expecting from the rinse.
This product, in my opinion, would work wonderfully if used in conjunction with a professional whitening product.
- Pre-freshens your mouth and teeth, before you brush
- Teeth appear brighter after exended use
- The rinse has an odd taste
- Consumers may find the price point of the product to be high
- Whitening results were not very obvious
- Listerine Whitening Vibrant White Pre-Brush Rinse is designed to give you a noticeably whiter and brighter teeth
- Contains hydrogen peroxide, an ingredient used to whiten the teeth
- Suggested retail price of a 16oz. bottle is $6.15. It is available in most grocery, drug, and mass stores across the country.
Guide Review - Review of Listerine Whitening Vibrant White Pre-Brush Rinse
Listerine Whitening Vibrant White Pre-Brush Rinse is designed to whiten your teeth, before you even brush them. Users are instructed to swish the rinse in their mouth for 60 seconds, twice-a-day before brushing and flossing the teeth.
Listerine claims the Vibrant White rinse will help prevent stains, fight plaque build-up, and control tartar build-up on the teeth. The rinse also contains the ingredients that help to kill the germs that are known to cause bad breath.
This is the first time that I have tried a whitening rinse. I have used whitening toothpaste's and both professional take-home whitening kits and professional in-office whitening systems, but I have always been skeptical of whitening products that are only used in the mouth for a minute or less. Why? Traditional whitening products - depending on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide in the gel - are used in the mouth for 20 to 60 minutes at a time. How is a product designed to whiten the teeth going to to achieve a desired result in two minutes or less a day? Does Listerine's Vibrant White Pre-Brush rinse work?
As I was dispensing the rinse for the first time, I gave myself a small pep talk before I took a sip, "You can do this Shawn. Just do your best to keep the rinse swishing for 60 seconds. Fight through the burn!" I closed my eye's, shot back the cap full of rinse and prepared for the worst.
If you have used Listerine Mouth Rinse in the past, I have a feeling you know exactly what I'm talking about here. For those of you that have never used a Listerine mouthrinse before, you are probably thinking I have lost my marbles. Listerine mouthrinse is famous for having a very strong flavor. Many people - including myself - can barely swish with the rinse for more that 10 to 20 seconds. As I started to swish, I was relieved to discover that this rinse is not as strong as their post-brush mouthrinse, which meant no burn. What I did notice immediately was the flavor of the rinse. The product contains hydrogen peroxide, an ingredient used to whiten the teeth. I tried the Clean Mint flavored rinse, but I found that I could identify the taste of the peroxide, above the soft mint undertone. This rinse is not intended to freshen your mouth with a crisp minty flavor, like a post-brush mouthrinse would, but admittedly the flavor was not very palatable.
I examined my teeth after I spit out the rinse, and I noticed their was a residue left on my teeth and gums. I brushed and flossed my teeth like normal, and found that my teeth and mouth in general felt refreshed.
After using the rinse for about one week, I noticed that my teeth seemed to really sparkle after I finished brushing them. I used the rinse religiously, before every brushing, for two months. I can't say for sure if the rinse whitened my teeth at all. I can say the rinse did fit nicely in my oral hygiene routine. Using the rinse before brushing felt like I was prepping my teeth for an ultimate cleaning session.