Business & Finance Small Business

A Look At The Acn Company From Someone Who Didn" t Join

ACN or the American Communications Network had had allot of publicity recently, it's possible this is due to the fallout from the last years economy that has been making a lot of people to rethink their idea of "job security" and start thinking about working at home as a way to solve the problem.Also ACN received a big promotion score by getting Donald Trump to endorse the company (not sure if this will continue now that he has the Trump Network himself?)
However reguardless of any publicity received, the question to ask is"Is this company right for me?"

Let's explore the facts in more detail.

What they sell -
ACN is a phone/communication company, so you will be promoting various phone and internet contracts especially long distance service. As far as specific products the offer local, long distance, internet, cell/mobile and others (check out there site for full details)

In the begining (the history) -
ACN began life in 1993, started by Robert Stevanovski, Gref Provenzano, Tony Cupisz, and Mike Cupisz. They have posted strong growth since then, operating in 20 countries and claiming to produce $500 million in revenue annually (looking good so far)

Compensation -
Umm... I tried to get my head around how the pay plan works, I stopped trying when my head started hurting, honestly.... (Go to their website and try for yourself if you're game)

Up sides -
Strong business leader ship and previous company history are something ACN, an amazingly large number of new network marketing companies fail during their early years in operation. So far ACN looks good.

Down sides -
Other than the business opportunity, I'm not seeing a huge incentive to buy the services they offer. As far as I can tell they lack a unique selling point in a very competitive market. Plus there seems to be little incentive for finding customers as compared to new business builders, this creates a whole list of problems that i will be expanding on another time. (A widespread problem in network marketing)

Summery -
In summery No ACN is not a scam, it is a legitimate business model that many different people have had a lot of success through.
What you really have to keep in mind when looking into ACN or any other home business is that the ultimate factor that will decide you success is you, and your ability to market and position yourself. In this industry leadership is key, as is learning effective marketing systems. The "talking to family and friends" just isn't good enough on it's own anymore.

If your sponsor is telling you all you need to do to be successful is sponsor 2 or 3 people, RUN LIKE HELL.

Without doubt you will need to have in place a solid marketing system, just like in any other form of business.

If you're great at doing home meeting, hotel presentations, getting endless referrals from people you know, etc, then its possible that traditional mlm strategies will work for you.

However if you are anything like me and like the idea of working smarter than harder, then you need to be learning how to harness the internet to market in conjunction with traditional mlm approaches, this is an essential skill set to have in any mlm business, if it's ACN or anything else.
Leveraging the online world to bring in leads, and then convert those leads into paying customers and distributors isn't as difficult as you might think. Even people with limited computer experience should have no trouble in doing it, if they are taught how.
I wish you all the best in your success

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