Business & Finance Small Business

Make Your Grand Opening Event Special When You Open a Dollar Store

Those who open a dollar store are always looking for new, creative ideas for their grand opening event.
They want to make their event stand out from the pack without spending an arm and a leg to do it.
There are almost as many suggestions are there are grand openings.
However, one of the important things to remember is your grand opening is a chance to let many potential shoppers know about your store.
The ultimate goal is to turn these potential shoppers into customers who come to your store routinely.
One of the best ways to make potential shoppers into customers is to not only make your dollar store grand opening a memorable event for the adults in the family, but to also make it a fun and memorable event for the children in the family.
If you plan to hold a grand opening event when you open a dollar store be sure to focus on the children.
Start by providing some combination of balloons, pop corn and other children's favorites.
But don't stop there.
Put some of your merchandise to work.
Set up a children's station during the dollar store grand opening event.
Purchase extra merchandise to support the various activities.
For example, provide an attendant who uses fake tattoos and makeup for face painting.
The kids will walk away happy.
They will remember your store and the fun they had.
They will then ask their parents to return to your store again and again.
But don't there.
How about a coloring contest? You can provide a small carton of color crayons and a picture to color.
This could be an event held during the grand opening.
Even better, consider sending the picture and crayons home with a deadline to be returned.
That return visit will generate sales for your store.
It will also serve to remind the shopper about your store and the merchandise you carry.
Provide prizes for the winners of the coloring contest.
Possibly gift certificates to shop in your store would be an idea.
When you start a dollar store business your grand opening must be memorable.
While this article has focused on the children, don't forget the adults.
There are many low cost methods to get them excited.
Use your imagination and creativity to develop a list of options for your dollar store.
Any place you can make use of dollar store merchandise reduces costs and is a silent advertisement to bring customers back for more.
To your success when you open a dollar store!
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