Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

How to Avoid Financial Disaster in Our Senior Years and Live a Better Life

The numbers of older Americans will more than double in the next 32 years.
By year 2030, the elderly will account for 20 percent of the population and number more than 80 million.
It is urgent that we develop a solution for long-term care now.
If we don't act, everyone -- workers, our children, our parents and our grandparents --could pay a severe price.
Let's avoid this tragedy while time is still on our side by older seniors who own homes receiving proceed from a Reverse Mortgage they can shield themselves from financial disaster.
With the rising health care cost and the lower amounts that they receive from the health insurance companies it has become more increasingly important that seniors really think about survival and not what they are going to leave behind for the children.
In today's economy seniors have to be concerned with how they are going to pay their expenses and be able to stay in their homes.
The cost of assisted living cost have escalated to record cost the latest costs are estimated at $40,000 per year and more.
The cost of health care for seniors for a couple at the age of 62 if they live to their age expectancy is over $417,000 and is rising at a rate faster then the cost of living.
With property taxes increasing and food cost rising daily it is getting harder to live today.
So what can a senior do to off set these expensive facts.
If you are over the age of 62 and you own your home then you must really consider a Reverse Mortgage more today then any other time in history.
The Federal Government has realized that they needed to do something to help seniors who live in higher values homes.
As of November 1, 2008 they have removed the county limits on Reverse Mortgages and replaced them with the higher limit of $417,000.
In doing this they have made more money available to the senior to help them pay the higher cost that they are faced with today.
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