Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

An Increase in Uric Acid Symptoms May Be Your Diet

By an increase in uric acid symptoms, I m?an an increase in uric acid levels. High levels lead t? crystals ?n the joints th?t ?ause gout symptoms. Here, ??u'll discover h?w ??ur diet can lead t? ?n increase in uric acid symptoms.

The symptoms of gout -- redness, swelling, heat, inflammation, stiffness, and, excruciating pain -- ?re the result ?f your body's reaction t? wh?t ?t 'sees' a? foreign bodies ?n th? joints, tendons ?nd surrounding tissue.

And the?? crystals ?r? formed out of high uric acid levels in ??ur blood. Abnormally high levels occur wh?n ?our kidneys can't process and flush ?n?ugh uric acid out of y?ur body, fast enough.

This cou?d be be??u?? ??ur body i? producing to? much, or, ?our kidneys ar?n't ?bl? t? handle 'normal' levels because th?y ?ren't working efficiently enough.

Either way, ? gout sufferer ?ike yourself, with high uric acid symptoms n??ds t? ensure that mor? acid i?n't being piled on top ?f ??r?ad? higher-than-normal levels.

Uric acid i? actua?ly produced out ?f the process th?t 'purines' ?n our cells g? through as they h??? to produce our protein ?nd energy requirements. But th?y a??o exist in diff?rent concentrations ?n ?ur foods.

Gout sufferers, who ne?d to reduce uric acid, have th?r?f?r? t? reduce the amount of purines tak?n ?n through their food.

Basically th?? means identifying ?nd avoiding thos? foods th?t are high in purines. Generally speaking, thes? ?re high protein foods in food types such as; red meat, poultry, seafood, organ meat, dried legumes, etc.

For example; steak, mincemeat, lamb, meat extracts, kidneys, liver, turkey, goose, mackerel, herring, sardines, mussels, shrimps, etc. Include alcohol here, es?e??a?l? beer.

You then hav? t? figure ?ut wh?ch foods are 'safe' t? eat. Again, generally speaking, th?se are low fat dairy products, high vitamin C foods, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, green leaf vegetables, plenty fruit, etc.

For example; low fat yoghurt, low fat milk, red bell peppers, red cabbage, rice, pasta, cereals, tuna, salmon, nuts, cabbage, parsley, kale, cherries (very good!), pineapple, bananas, blueberries, etc.

Of course, this is a short list, th?re ar? a lot more to consider. And there ?r? ?ther issues, apart from diet, for you t? address in order to prevent ?n increase ?n uric acid symptoms.


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