- Candida overgrowth (candidiasis) can be caused by poor diet, an overuse of antibiotics, corticosteroids and even stress. This spurs an overproduction of this natural fungus (form of yeast), which overtakes the body's natural bacteria. Consequently, fecal impactions can occur along the walls of the colon and harbor excess fungus, parasites and toxins. If left untreated, these substances can invade cells and body tissues. Colon care therapy must be specifically designed to kill the excess candida fungus and associated toxins and parasites (see Reference 1).
- Once way to cleanse your colon is through diet. Since candida thrive on gluten and sugar, your first step should be to eliminate these foods for a while. This can be challenging because most commericial foods like bread and pasta contain gluten. Eat brown rice substitutes for these foods. Also, most meat, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, yams and grains such as brown rice and millet are gluten-free. Vegetables have digestive enzymes that can kill excess candida. You can also eat garlic cloves, which have anti-fungal properties as well (see Reference 2).
- There are two main types of colon cleansing: colon cleansing kits and colonic irrigation. You can drink the cleansing kits as they contain a mixture of herbs, spices and foods that kill candida overgrowth and eliminate parasites. A colon cleansing program usually takes a month to complete.
Colonic irrigation entails flushing your large intestine with ozonated water. Treatment is usually administered by a licensed colon hydrotherapist. During these sessions, excess candida, toxins and parasites can be removed. Each session can be equivalent to eliminating the waste and toxins of 20 bowel movments. Water temperatures can be raised to 104 degrees Fahrenheit to kill parasites. Varying temperatures can open the illeocecal valve between the large and small intestines, eliminating hard-to-reach toxins. The method you choose is a personal preference (see Reference 3). - Colon care therapy should include the use of probiotics or "friendly" bacteria. These supplements help replenish the body's natural bacteria and help eliminate excess candida, parasites and their toxins. Other things you an use for colon care therapy include Pau d'Arco tea (herb), cayenne pepper, senna, ginger, virgin coconut oil and aloe vera leaves. All have anti-fungal properties. Some, like aloe vera, can help repair the lining of the colon.
About Candidiasis and Colon Care
Colon Cleansing
Probiotics and Other Substances For Colon Health