Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Quit Smoking - Why and How?

They're raising taxes on tobacco again, this time to cover for even more administrative follies that smokers did not cause.
And at the same time, smoking is still becoming more of a target of political correctness! How can both things be true? Because nobody ever said it had to make sense.
Most smokers agree; it would have been better not to start, than to feel helpless and want to quit.
Unfortunately, moderation is not an option for most people.
Once the subconscious gets a taste of that nicotine rush and makes it a clear habit, it wants it all the time.
Then you are not the boss any more.
Some people can smoke occasionally, but those folks, like their smokes, are few and far between.
Yes, it is a good time to get rid of the habit.
It will be better to get your jollies from something else anyhow, such as accomplishment, making money, reading or artwork, for example.
That way you won't have to gamble on poor circulation or respiratory problems from the smoke, either.
And everything will be cleaner.
Face it - however painful, becoming free from cigarettes is an attractive thing.
You can be relaxed anywhere, not merely 'waiting' for the next opportunity to smoke.
And the money! Taxes have made the cost of tobacco completely ridiculous.
So, say you have decided to quit, and the only problem is the difficulty and how to go about stopping.
The answer is right there in that last sentence: Decided! We are talking 100%, no ifs and or BUTTS decided.
You can handle a few days of the heebie-jeebies with a little help from some clever tools.
Not the patch, or the gum, mind you, those are just more nicotine to prolong the agony.
You want to be free from all of that stuff.
Be aware, though, your subconscious is going to try to trick you, and it is very good at it.
* Guess what? You can trick it right back, using subliminal and/or hypnosis audio.
The subconscious is ALWAYS listening! And those things are very inexpensive, maybe the price of only two packs of cigarettes or so.
But you have to be determined and actually use them.
You can get a subliminal .
mp3 download or hypnosis from anywhere.
You can play the silent subliminal one anywhere with anything else going on, and it will help.
Cold turkey, while not the "easiest," is by far the best and most effective way to stop smoking cigarettes.
As if there was an easy way.
For some people it's the only way, but since we are all so different, for some people cold turkey is not even an option.
The cravings are just too overwhelming, and the will power beats the won't power.
So just know yourself and decide.
Decide at the deepest level possible, the unconscious mind.
It is easy to say it, and 'decide' at the conscious level, but convincing the deeper self is another story.
But you can do it.
Lots of people prove this all the time.
If yours is a tough nut to crack, you'll need stronger crutches.
But just don't give up on giving it up; be strong, and decide your way to freedom!
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