Here is a concept that will really help with how to sleep with women. It's called escalating role plays. You probably know what a role play is - it's a fake scenario that you and the girl play out. It allows you objectivity and distance. You can use these to escalate things to a sexual level.
The idea is to create these funny, playful scenarios or ideas. They get the women you're talking to out of the moment and away from their emotions. Most guys don't do them, but they're highly effective, especially if they're funny.
Here are a few examples:
-"You girls are going to be like my personal bodyguards. I'm a pop idol, you know, so I need protection from my rabid fans."
-"I'm going to dress you up in a devil suit and you in an angel costume, and then I want you guys to argue about everything I'm doing and thinking."
-"I want to dress you up in head to toe leather, put you on my spaceship and make you my space princess."
The idea is that, once she accepts the silly role play scenario you're giving her, she'll be ready to accept the next frame you give her. You then escalate it until it gets to a sexual level. You're giving her ideas of ways she usually doesn't act. They may be things she wants to do, but society says she can't. See how it works?
Another great type of role play is the "us and them" role play. For example, you guys pretend that you're a couple already. It can be really funny to see how she reacts to this. It can also tell you a lot about how she feels about guys she dates or sleeps with.
The idea is to gradually escalate it to something sexual. For example, with the angle-devil role play, as you start thinking about getting in her pants, her angle friend is telling her no, while the devil (the one you're after) is being deviant with you.
There is a lot you can do with these and one reason why they're so effective is that most guys don't use them. It takes some imagination and creativity. Part of it is that it makes things fun for her, gets her out of herself, and makes you seem unpredictable and charmingly crazy. Once you've got the role-playing thing down, it's much easier working on how to sleep with women you meet.
The idea is to create these funny, playful scenarios or ideas. They get the women you're talking to out of the moment and away from their emotions. Most guys don't do them, but they're highly effective, especially if they're funny.
Here are a few examples:
-"You girls are going to be like my personal bodyguards. I'm a pop idol, you know, so I need protection from my rabid fans."
-"I'm going to dress you up in a devil suit and you in an angel costume, and then I want you guys to argue about everything I'm doing and thinking."
-"I want to dress you up in head to toe leather, put you on my spaceship and make you my space princess."
The idea is that, once she accepts the silly role play scenario you're giving her, she'll be ready to accept the next frame you give her. You then escalate it until it gets to a sexual level. You're giving her ideas of ways she usually doesn't act. They may be things she wants to do, but society says she can't. See how it works?
Another great type of role play is the "us and them" role play. For example, you guys pretend that you're a couple already. It can be really funny to see how she reacts to this. It can also tell you a lot about how she feels about guys she dates or sleeps with.
The idea is to gradually escalate it to something sexual. For example, with the angle-devil role play, as you start thinking about getting in her pants, her angle friend is telling her no, while the devil (the one you're after) is being deviant with you.
There is a lot you can do with these and one reason why they're so effective is that most guys don't use them. It takes some imagination and creativity. Part of it is that it makes things fun for her, gets her out of herself, and makes you seem unpredictable and charmingly crazy. Once you've got the role-playing thing down, it's much easier working on how to sleep with women you meet.