Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Tips for Vision Without Glasses

Most of us are born with perfect eyesight, as we are born with perfect bodies.
But as the years go by, bad eye habits formed during our childhood years which develop into worse habits when we start our professional lives, take their toll on our eyes.
There comes a time when we just have to admit that our sight has become slightly blurry, that we have trouble focusing on objects far away or close up and that this condition is beginning to interfere with our daily routine.
Usually, the next step is to visit an optician who will most probably prescribe the use of glasses to help us improve our damaged eyesight.
However, in accordance to the wise saying that prevention is the best policy, many common eye problems may be prevented before they arise.
In the same way as you take care of your body and general health in order to keep fit and avoid getting sick, you should take care of your eyes in order to preserve your good eyesight rather than wait until you actually have trouble seeing properly.
This might come as a surprise for you, but like your body needs to relax after a hard day's work and your muscles need exercise to keep working properly, so do your eyes.
We tend to put a lot of strain on our eyes every day and we either do not understand or insist on ignoring the warning signals they send us.
There are various steps and procedures one can take to help improve eyesight naturally.
Some exercises like palming, aim at relaxing the eyes, others help them to focus better, and others work at exercising and strengthening the optical muscles.
Listening to the needs of our eyes and learning to practice these exercises is a great way to develop lasting habits and ensure great eyesight without glasses, for years to come.
Although it may sound hard to do, relaxing the eyes is really fairly simple.
In most cases, you simply need to find a quiet place, close your eyes, clear your mind and stay in this relaxed position for about fifteen minutes.
Relaxing the mind is the first and most important step to relaxing the eyes, because mind and eyes work very close together.
When you feel stressed, anxious or annoyed, when you fill your mind with unpleasant thoughts, you will notice that your eyes tend to move jerkily and erratically around in their sockets, even when you keep them closed.
To relax your eyes you need to let them move freely around under your eyelids, without frowning, staring or squinting.
You can relax your eyes anywhere, anytime you feel the need to, even at work without leaving your desk.
Here are just a few tips: Take a break from what you are doing and move your eyes around.
Look away from your papers or computer screen, maybe focusing on things far away outside your window.
Give your eyes a chance to move around various objects in a relaxed way, without straining or staring.
Taking short breaks to relax your eyes several times a day, will do wonders to preserve your eyesight or improve it, even if you have had trouble seeing for years.
This is not a magic cure, don't expect your vision to improve naturally overnight, like you wouldn't expect to lose twenty pounds after spending just one afternoon at the gym.
Eye exercises have amazing results but they do take time.
Success depends on diligence and regular practice.
In any case, if you have eye problems, you should see your ophthalmologist at least once a year.
If you are considering using eye exercises to improve your eyesight naturally and avoid the use of glasses, you should learn how to perform these exercises properly before you start practicing them.
Otherwise, you are in danger of straining your eyes even more than you usually do, which is certainly the last thing you want.
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