Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Male Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer - It doesn't matter if your 20 or over 50, you should watch your health for serious matters such as testicular cancer.
Truthfully you should start at 15 doing monthly testicular self-exams.
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer found in men and can occur any time from the age of 16 on.
This is the reason you should do a self-exam every month from age 15 on.
Starting at age 15 you will know as soon as something unusual presents itself and go directly to the doctor.
So how do you do a self-exam? 1.
Check yourself right after a hot shower.
The skin of the scrotum is then relaxed and soft.
Become familiar with the normal size, shape and weight of your testicles.
Using both hands, gently roll each testicle between your fingers.
Identify the epididymis.
This is a rope-like structure on the top and back of each testicle.
This structure is NOT an abnormal lump.
Be on the alert for a tiny lump under the skin, in front or along the sides of either testicle.
A lump may remind you of a piece of uncooked rice or a small cooked pea.
Report any swelling to your health care provider.
If you have any lumps or swelling, it does not necessarily mean you have cancer, but you must be checked by your health care provider.
If detected and treated early , testicular cancer is one of the most curable cancers.
Additionally the following list of vitamins and supplements will help provide over all health.
Vitamin E Selenium Zinc Potassium Essential Fatty Acids ©megamallstores.
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