Having a small-sized manhood not only is an embarrassing situation to be in, but can also adversely affect your sex life.
Thankfully, there are a number of ways to still grow your penis bigger naturally and have it remain that way for good.
And one excellent technique to increase the size of your male organ is simply by doing exercises on it using your own pair of hands.
There are a variety of exercise routines which you can easily learn and practice daily in order to make your penis grow bigger.
Here are 3 of the basic routines which you can start off with today: 1.
The stretching routine Stretching your penis regularly helps to increase its length by forcing the cells to grow larger in size.
You start by holding your member by its head using your fingers, and then slowly pull it away from you in a straight direction, stretching as far as you can comfortably go.
Hold the stretch for a few seconds before letting go, and then rest your penis.
Repeat the routine several more times each day, varying the direction of your pull between left, right, upwards, and downwards.
The squeezing routine This particular routine helps in improving the blood flow to your male organ in order for it to hold more blood inside.
After applying a bit of lubricant on your shaft, grip its base with your fingers and apply a decent amount of pressure.
Slide your grip all the way to the tip slowly, allowing your fingers to squeeze your penis body along the way.
Remember to relax your male organ in between each repetition in order to avoid any injury.
The strengthening routine Besides getting a bigger sized penis, exercising can significantly improve your sexual health in order for you to perform better in bed.
One such routine helps to dramatically enhance your ejaculatory control to make you last longer during sex.
All you need to do is to find your PC muscle, which is the same muscle you feel contracting when you hold back your pee.
Flex and relax this muscle repeatedly for a few minutes each day.
Altogether, it should only take you less than 30 minutes a day to perform all these exercise routines, and a few short weeks of exercising to get your manhood to become permanently bigger.
That is how simple and convenient penis exercising is!
Thankfully, there are a number of ways to still grow your penis bigger naturally and have it remain that way for good.
And one excellent technique to increase the size of your male organ is simply by doing exercises on it using your own pair of hands.
There are a variety of exercise routines which you can easily learn and practice daily in order to make your penis grow bigger.
Here are 3 of the basic routines which you can start off with today: 1.
The stretching routine Stretching your penis regularly helps to increase its length by forcing the cells to grow larger in size.
You start by holding your member by its head using your fingers, and then slowly pull it away from you in a straight direction, stretching as far as you can comfortably go.
Hold the stretch for a few seconds before letting go, and then rest your penis.
Repeat the routine several more times each day, varying the direction of your pull between left, right, upwards, and downwards.
The squeezing routine This particular routine helps in improving the blood flow to your male organ in order for it to hold more blood inside.
After applying a bit of lubricant on your shaft, grip its base with your fingers and apply a decent amount of pressure.
Slide your grip all the way to the tip slowly, allowing your fingers to squeeze your penis body along the way.
Remember to relax your male organ in between each repetition in order to avoid any injury.
The strengthening routine Besides getting a bigger sized penis, exercising can significantly improve your sexual health in order for you to perform better in bed.
One such routine helps to dramatically enhance your ejaculatory control to make you last longer during sex.
All you need to do is to find your PC muscle, which is the same muscle you feel contracting when you hold back your pee.
Flex and relax this muscle repeatedly for a few minutes each day.
Altogether, it should only take you less than 30 minutes a day to perform all these exercise routines, and a few short weeks of exercising to get your manhood to become permanently bigger.
That is how simple and convenient penis exercising is!