Whether it involves making your hubby give you the latest Louboutin pumps or convincing your boss why you should get that desired promotion, the technique all boils down to that absolute power of persuasion.
Persuasion is defined as a form of social influence.
This takes place whenever an individual is affected in terms of his thoughts, feelings and actions by another person.
There are varied strategies that can be used in persuading someone and ultimately influencing his ideas and attitudes about a certain thing.
Each one of us has the capacity to make use of the potentials in persuasion.
All we need is ample and correct knowledge about the ways of the mind and smart moves and strategies to successfully manipulate such ways for the purpose of altering how one thinks and feels.
The technique of persuasion is an accepted fact in our modern society.
In fact, it is used very widely especially in the field of marketing where the different industries are able to get their items sold with the proper use of persuasion techniques.
Various elements that attempt to provide an explanation as to the works of persuasion are as follows.
The value of reciprocity - Since there is no such thing as free lunch, we get one thing by giving something else in return.
This explains the power behind free samples in groceries and other venues.
Once people have taken a sample of certain products, they tend to purchase said items to make themselves free of such obligation of returning what was given to them.
A sense of commitment - It comes with a good amount of social responsibility that when we make a pledge to commit to something, which we think is right, we should honor our word and the commitment that we have made.
Belief in social proof - If other people are doing it, then we should do it as well.
There is a consensus that a larger number of people doing something is enough proof that such a thing is right and true.
This is enough to make someone do something that may initially be different from one's own set of beliefs.
The presence of an authority figure - Someone who appears to have the authority to speak on something gets the appropriate respect and trust.
Thus, when one talks about something and acts as if he does know about that certain thing, there is a great tendency for the listener to take in the information as nothing less than actual facts.
There are various methods of persuasion.
Others may use the appeal of reason while some attack through the appeal to one's emotion.
More so, certain strategies can be very helpful in the process of persuasion.
Body language is one of them as well as the use of various sales techniques known to any salesman on Earth.
The use of persuasion should be regulated most appropriately.
Since it involves so much power when used effectively, one should act fully responsible for whatever consequences such act might result into.
Persuasion is defined as a form of social influence.
This takes place whenever an individual is affected in terms of his thoughts, feelings and actions by another person.
There are varied strategies that can be used in persuading someone and ultimately influencing his ideas and attitudes about a certain thing.
Each one of us has the capacity to make use of the potentials in persuasion.
All we need is ample and correct knowledge about the ways of the mind and smart moves and strategies to successfully manipulate such ways for the purpose of altering how one thinks and feels.
The technique of persuasion is an accepted fact in our modern society.
In fact, it is used very widely especially in the field of marketing where the different industries are able to get their items sold with the proper use of persuasion techniques.
Various elements that attempt to provide an explanation as to the works of persuasion are as follows.
The value of reciprocity - Since there is no such thing as free lunch, we get one thing by giving something else in return.
This explains the power behind free samples in groceries and other venues.
Once people have taken a sample of certain products, they tend to purchase said items to make themselves free of such obligation of returning what was given to them.
A sense of commitment - It comes with a good amount of social responsibility that when we make a pledge to commit to something, which we think is right, we should honor our word and the commitment that we have made.
Belief in social proof - If other people are doing it, then we should do it as well.
There is a consensus that a larger number of people doing something is enough proof that such a thing is right and true.
This is enough to make someone do something that may initially be different from one's own set of beliefs.
The presence of an authority figure - Someone who appears to have the authority to speak on something gets the appropriate respect and trust.
Thus, when one talks about something and acts as if he does know about that certain thing, there is a great tendency for the listener to take in the information as nothing less than actual facts.
There are various methods of persuasion.
Others may use the appeal of reason while some attack through the appeal to one's emotion.
More so, certain strategies can be very helpful in the process of persuasion.
Body language is one of them as well as the use of various sales techniques known to any salesman on Earth.
The use of persuasion should be regulated most appropriately.
Since it involves so much power when used effectively, one should act fully responsible for whatever consequences such act might result into.