Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Oxycontin: Drug For the Pain Sufferers or Drug For the Addiction Hungers

Suffering from pain is not uncommon. Many a times in life pain has to be suffered. Be it due to excessive workload on the mental conditions or due to excessive work done physically. Pharmaceutical companies have always come up with miraculous drugs to get relieved from such pains and trauma. One of such essentially useful drug is oxytocin. It is actually the trade name for the drug oxycodone hydrochloride, if we sound pure chemists. This drug was known to cure pain and have an effect for too long may be for 12 hours or more. But as we know the fact, every coin has two sides. So does this particular drug!

Anything good happens it has to have its own share of abuse or rather clearly misuse! Oxycontin was not an exception. This drug prescribed got to have many misuses like overdose and wrong timely intake. This cased side effects like euphoria, mental loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, hiccups etc. It can also cause impotence, enlarged prostrate glands, decreased testosterone secretion etc. this abuse started because there came up stories, and that these drugs were taken in to get a high amongst youngsters.

It was considered an agonist opioid. This was taken in either in the form of chew, snort or an inject of the drug which gave a sudden high! Larger doses were taken up and this increased the desired sensation in the body and the abuser got increasingly addicted to the same.

The use of oxycontin in florida as also increased for the ‘abuse' purpose if the reports are to be believed. It is a notorious drug in the rural America and sold as a cheap narcotic to get that instant high. The sensations are played with and a number of people come under this shadow of drug addict.

The use of oxycontin in Canada is also no less. It has started getting the place of heroin, which also started its graph with the pain reliever stuff but later on it jumped up the usage graph due to addictions all over the world. The fate of oxytocin is no different, but with proper advises and care taken when given to the persons having it, this can be eliminated from happening in the society!! Due to some handful of fools who are abusing the life savior drugs, they become banned and the good effect of the drug also does not come handy. So proper awareness for the usage of this can be a better step towards healthy tomorrow!
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