Ever wondered by books and magazines all almost come with a similar layout? Even if a particular book or magazine chooses to go with an alternative design, you will be able to find a certain harmony in it. This has a lot to do with the innate objective of making sure that the reader is motivated to continue reading.
Effective design is crucial to publishing, advertising as well as web designing and development. Many people assume that designing a web page is no big deal and that it comes naturally due to cultural lessons we pick up while growing up. However, the design game is slightly more challenging that just bringing together elements such as fonts, colors and images together.
It is about making sure that the reader looks at the elements you place on the page in the right order, or rather the order you want them to see it in.
Thinking out of the Box
Even if you intend to break the conventional rules of web development and design to come out of the rut and create appealing websites, it is important for you to first know the rules of effective design.
Most rules pertaining to creating an effective design revolve around the deeper understanding of type, elements of color, layout, illustration, photography, and elements more closer to human psychology such as how the eye views these elements and subsequently how it is being deciphered by the brain.
Commonly used Layout Patterns
Most web designing experts choose to use a layout pattern that is commonly known as the "Z" pattern. This pattern takes influence from the reading patterns in western cultures for strategic placement of crucial information. This means that you need to start from the upper left corner and work your way across to the right. You then need to go down and back to the left again and continue this path from top to bottom.
Going back to the Basics
Believe it or not, the basic rules of design and layout have been around for generations; even before the internet came into the picture. These basics are very much still applicable in the world of web development and design.
Effective design is crucial to publishing, advertising as well as web designing and development. Many people assume that designing a web page is no big deal and that it comes naturally due to cultural lessons we pick up while growing up. However, the design game is slightly more challenging that just bringing together elements such as fonts, colors and images together.
It is about making sure that the reader looks at the elements you place on the page in the right order, or rather the order you want them to see it in.
Thinking out of the Box
Even if you intend to break the conventional rules of web development and design to come out of the rut and create appealing websites, it is important for you to first know the rules of effective design.
Most rules pertaining to creating an effective design revolve around the deeper understanding of type, elements of color, layout, illustration, photography, and elements more closer to human psychology such as how the eye views these elements and subsequently how it is being deciphered by the brain.
Commonly used Layout Patterns
Most web designing experts choose to use a layout pattern that is commonly known as the "Z" pattern. This pattern takes influence from the reading patterns in western cultures for strategic placement of crucial information. This means that you need to start from the upper left corner and work your way across to the right. You then need to go down and back to the left again and continue this path from top to bottom.
Going back to the Basics
Believe it or not, the basic rules of design and layout have been around for generations; even before the internet came into the picture. These basics are very much still applicable in the world of web development and design.
- Always use borders in case you want to draw attention to or frame a piece of information. Table of contents, special notes, calendars are all examples of the same.
- Using the edges of the text columns and artwork effectively is a great way to create an illusion of borders.
- A drop shadow on borders is a great way to draw attention to boxes or images.
- You can also draw an individual's attention to important elements by clever use of color, page position and contrasting size. These elements must have a function that supports the content.
- You can also use bold display type or graphics to create focus. Apply elements that come with visual weight, color for focus and intensity.
- If elements on your page need to be organized, grids as an excellent option. However, it is important to make sure that your grid is flexible and that each section in the grid isn't too small. The best flexibility comes with a page that is divided into 4 or 5 columns.