Do you ever tend to annoy some fellow workers, even subconsciously? Do you believe that one's place of employment should be a place where employees and supervisors respect and receive respect from everyone else? You will learn how to practice good etiquette on the job.
Do not chew or smoke tobacco on your way to work or during your breaks, especially if you work in close quarters with other employees.
I take great umbrage dealing with the awful smell of tobacco on another person's breath, clothes or skin.
Always arrive to work with a good body odor.
It helps to bathe and brush and floss your teeth before going to work.
Do not walk or bike long distances to work because this can cause you to sweat and smell funny, especially if the weather is warm.
Always wash your clothes after wearing them, especially shirts and sweaters.
Do not eat or touch food or drinks others put in the break room refrigerator without their permission.
We all have to respect others' belongings.
Be respectful of your fellow workers' right to have reasonable discussions.
Let them have their say and do not interrupt them while they speak.
Do not listen to or butt in on conversations held between other workers if they do not directly involve you.
Be considerate while using your cellular phone.
If you must leave your cell phone ringer on while you are off break or outside of the break room, answer your phone once it rings.
Keep your cell phone conversation short and cover your mouth while speaking.
I get annoyed when others talk on their cell phones loudly and make me hear information pertaining to their private lives.
Dress appropriately.
Even if the dress code allows casual clothing, you should not wear pajamas or wear tank tops or any other clothing that reveals certain body parts others probably do not wish to see.
All communication should be respectful and sort of quiet.
Employees should never yell at fellow workers or managers and the management team should never yell at employees.
Avoid creating distractions.
Do not do any tapping or pop bubble gum while others are nearby.
Do not play your portable radio loudly.
If you play your radio while wearing headphones, ask a fellow worker who is around if he or she can hear your music - it is important to do this to make sure you are not creating a disturbance in addition to protecting your hearing.
Do not look at pornography at work.
Assuming you are allowed to eat at your work station, ask fellow workers who are sitting beside you or at neighboring cubicles if the smell of your food bothers them before eating.
I could not stand the smell of someone eating something that contains mayonnaise or salad dressing while being around me.
Be courteous while working on group projects and attending meetings.
Never be late, shirk any of your duties or fail to pull your weight.
Do not yawn openly, put your head down or fall asleep.
Always try to work things out personally with fellow workers who annoy you.
If I was doing something that might annoy a fellow worker, I would appreciate it if he or she told me about it before reporting me to a supervisor.
Use the information you have learned to practice good job etiquette!
Do not chew or smoke tobacco on your way to work or during your breaks, especially if you work in close quarters with other employees.
I take great umbrage dealing with the awful smell of tobacco on another person's breath, clothes or skin.
Always arrive to work with a good body odor.
It helps to bathe and brush and floss your teeth before going to work.
Do not walk or bike long distances to work because this can cause you to sweat and smell funny, especially if the weather is warm.
Always wash your clothes after wearing them, especially shirts and sweaters.
Do not eat or touch food or drinks others put in the break room refrigerator without their permission.
We all have to respect others' belongings.
Be respectful of your fellow workers' right to have reasonable discussions.
Let them have their say and do not interrupt them while they speak.
Do not listen to or butt in on conversations held between other workers if they do not directly involve you.
Be considerate while using your cellular phone.
If you must leave your cell phone ringer on while you are off break or outside of the break room, answer your phone once it rings.
Keep your cell phone conversation short and cover your mouth while speaking.
I get annoyed when others talk on their cell phones loudly and make me hear information pertaining to their private lives.
Dress appropriately.
Even if the dress code allows casual clothing, you should not wear pajamas or wear tank tops or any other clothing that reveals certain body parts others probably do not wish to see.
All communication should be respectful and sort of quiet.
Employees should never yell at fellow workers or managers and the management team should never yell at employees.
Avoid creating distractions.
Do not do any tapping or pop bubble gum while others are nearby.
Do not play your portable radio loudly.
If you play your radio while wearing headphones, ask a fellow worker who is around if he or she can hear your music - it is important to do this to make sure you are not creating a disturbance in addition to protecting your hearing.
Do not look at pornography at work.
Assuming you are allowed to eat at your work station, ask fellow workers who are sitting beside you or at neighboring cubicles if the smell of your food bothers them before eating.
I could not stand the smell of someone eating something that contains mayonnaise or salad dressing while being around me.
Be courteous while working on group projects and attending meetings.
Never be late, shirk any of your duties or fail to pull your weight.
Do not yawn openly, put your head down or fall asleep.
Always try to work things out personally with fellow workers who annoy you.
If I was doing something that might annoy a fellow worker, I would appreciate it if he or she told me about it before reporting me to a supervisor.
Use the information you have learned to practice good job etiquette!