Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Best Way to Treat Internal Hemroids

Hemroids are common disorder found in human beings. It is referred to the condition when anal veins swell out and cause immense pain and discomfort in the anal area.

Common Causes of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids disorder is found more in males as compared to females. Following are the major cause of the disorder:

- Pregnancy
- constant diarrhea
- anal intercourse
- and pressure while passing stool

Hemorrhoids can either internal or external in nature. Internal hemroids develop inside the anus while external hemorrhoids develop under the skin around anus. While external hemorrhoids are easily detectable, internal ones cannot be detected easily.

Common Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids

Though internal hemroids are not easily noticed, following symptoms ensure that a patient is suffering from hemorrhoids:

- Bright red blood observed on the toilet paper after bowel movements
- Pain during bowel movements
- Feeling of incomplete bowel movements and
- Anal itching

How to Treat Internal Hemroids?

Internal hemorrhoids require immediate effective treatment. Below given are some most effective hemroids treatments used to cure the critical condition.

1. Preventive measures:

This is the best possible way to treat hemorrhoids occurrence internally. Common preventive measures include:

d) Avoiding pressure on bowels while passing stool. This could be done by avoiding constipation.
e) Avoid lifting heavy objects as this causes pressure on thin walled vesicles around anal area.

f) Adopt fiber rich diet and good fluid intake. Fiber foods and good amount of liquid will cause softer stools, eventually avoiding strain in hemorrhoids while making bowel movements. Common fiber foods include green leafy vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

2. Oral medications:

This is yet another effective hemroids treatment prescribed by doctors. Oral medications include several pills, which help to strengthen the anal veins, thus minimizing the criticality of internal hemorrhoids.

3. Hemroids surgery

This comes as the final step to cure or prevent hemorrhoids internally. It is usually adopted when all of the above methods fail to cure the condition of hemorrhoids. Common surgical procedures include sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, band litigation, etc.

4. Sitz bath:

Sitz bath is another powerful treatment for internal hemorrhoids. It helps to reduce swelling related with the disorder, which cause a lot of discomfort in performing day-to-day tasks.

5. Physical Exercise:

Adopting a daily habit of physical exercise helps a lot to prevent internal hemorrhoids. Walking, jogging or any other light exercise helps in stability of the digestive system, which is play a vital role in preventing hemorrhoids disorder.

If you are also suffering from internal hemorrhoids and need long lasting cure, adopt any of the above measures. Treatment should also depend upon criticality of the problem.
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