Health & Medical Men's Health

Premature Ejaculation - Does Masturbation Affect Ejaculation Time?

The question itself is a bit vague, so we must delve a little bit deeper than the question itself to get a proper answer.
The two things we need to know are;
  • Are we talking about long, short or varied masturbation sessions, and
  • When we say "ejaculation time", do we mean from arousal to ejaculation, or do we mean from erection to ejaculation...
These two factors definitely have a say in the outcome to answer the question correctly.
Our overall goal here is to last longer while masturbating, so when it comes to having proper sex with a partner, we won't be a 1 minute wonder and become a real turn off in bed.
The answer to the first question in my opinion has got to be varied masturbation sessions, It's as simple as that! Why varied? The problem here is to do with how our brain reads how we react during any sexual act, whether it be self pleasure in the form of masturbation, or when we are having full blown sex with our partner.
Your brain couldn't care less whether you're alone or not, all it cares about is regulating and controlling your sexual chemistry to ensure you climax sooner rather than later.
If you're masturbation sessions turn into a "fast as you can get there" scenario every time you masturbate, you are setting yourself up for a huge fall.
Your brain remembers how long you masturbate for, and if your sessions are only lasting a few minutes every single time, then my friend, that is how long you will last during sex every single time.
The key is variation, it always has been! Keep your brain guessing, masturbate for a few minutes one day, then the next time you have some spare time, masturbate for a longer period of time.
The more varied your masturbation sessions are, the less chance you have of ever suffering from premature ejaculation caused by your brain.
To summarize: In this article, we briefly spoke about masturbation, and it's affects on the time it takes you to ejaculate.
The bottom line always must be keep your session lengths varied.
To change it a bit more, change your grip, applied pressure, and speed of your strokes - It's more enjoyable and perhaps more importantly it will stop you suffering a long and upsetting bout of premature ejaculation which nobody wants to happen to them.
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