Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Write Articles - Make Money

Article Marketing is a way you can voice your opinion, review a product, reflect on an experience you've had AND possibly make some money too!Sound good?It just takes a little time and thought and you can be on you way to being published! Writing Articles is a free way to get traffic to your websites or if you don't have a website, to websites of various affiliates that pay you to either put their link in your article.
Writing articles is a great way to possibly get what you're trying to sell in Google, Yahoo or other search engines.
Here is a outline of the process, and, by the way, its not set in stone.
Once you get started, you may have your own plan.
DECIDE AND RESEARCH: Decide what you would like to write your article about and research that subject.
Keep your efforts focused on one goal.
I recommend you promote a single product and submit one article a day for the next 30 days.
As long as your articles are getting the clicks, you will make enough sales to get you addicted.
Make a commitment to write 2 articles a day, or if that sounds too overwhelming, try one a day and build on that.
The more articles you submit the better.
Article Marketing is a game of numbers.
Get your presence out there.
Keep writing and the results will begin to show.
If you have a decent product with a good presentation and sales page, you can LIVE OFF OF THE INCOME derived from doing one every day for a year.
Don't sacrifice the quality of your articles in an effort to increase copies.
Quality is crucial.
Make your articles well-written, with rich content that is useful and relevant to the reader.
You can have a nicely written article and still keep it simple.
Learn how to create a great resource box.
Make your box compelling and truly enticing.
You may opt to highlight the benefits that your readers can get once they visit your site or offer compelling incentives like free ebooks, vouchers, and discounts.
Online users simply love getting something for free.
Hire ghostwriters or article posters.
Regularly writing and manually submitting your articles to hundreds of directories and submission sites can take its toll on you.
If you have the money to spare, I highly recommend that you hire people who can help you out.
You may hire ghostwriters who can help you augment the number of your articles or if you want to focus your energy on writing, get someone who can manually post your articles online.
Yes, you can succeed at article marketing.
Anyone can.
Let me show you where you can find all the information you need to succeed.
If you've been searching for ways to make money online, chances are you have seen all those promotions that promise you can make millions of dollars by just buying this or that eBook or cd and you can quit your job and work from home in no time at all.
There are literally 1000's of products, services, and membership sites that claim they will show you how to become RICH online.
The problem is that more often than not these people have never seen success online themselves, and if they have, they likely will not support you after you give them your money.
Let me introduce you to a site that does everything they promise.
They are cutting edge in the Internet Marketing arena.
Really! This site is different.
They not only "practice what they preach" and have made millions doing so, they support each and every member in the exact same way.
They will continue to go above and beyond anything that you have ever seen before! Find out how to succeed at article marketing.
Article marketing is only the tip of the iceberg.
Wealthy Affiliate (WA) puts everything you ever wanted to know about internet marketing and lays it out in easy to understand format.
Even a dummy like me can learn at WA.
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