Health & Medical Men's Health

How Can I Last Longer and Rejuvenate My Sexual Power?

The frequently asked question in men health magazines is how can I last longer? It is a common observation that many people or doctors claim to help such men to rejuvenate their sexual power but what they can't do is to share some common mistakes; which are the main cause of poor sexual performance in bed.
These are the common mistakes from which men should keep themselves at an arm's length to avoid early ejaculation.
Many things can be done by the men to improve their endurance in bed.
To discover top three common mistakes taken by the men, you should proceed with reading this article.
Masturbation before sex (the common blunder) By taking a look on internet blogs and magazines, I can easily know that masturbation before sex is considered as an easy mean to help me last longer in bed.
But it is not true as one might think about it to be.
Then, how can I last longer? In fact, masturbation before sex is quiet useful for men but it should be done correctly.
Many men try this trick before going to the bed with their partners and become frustrated in the end.
Why is that? The truth is that many men do masturbation with the intention of getting it over quickly and in fact, they are reducing their sexual power because they are training their selves to ejaculate early.
Then what can be done? In fact, men need to increase their tolerance level against stimulation.
They need to control their reflexes at the time of intercourse and to retrain responses to the sex.
That's why men should not jump to the bathroom before going to a hot date as this trick is dangerous for them with all of its fame.
Spending too much time on Foreplay If I ask, how I can last longer, I am suggested to focus on foreplay by many magazines and internet blogs.
But the real matter is something different from it.
Things become more complicated if men are over focusing on foreplay for too much time.
Although foreplay is of great importance to satisfy the lust of woman, but still men should not spend too much time on it.
The main problem which occurs with the men is that they become more excited due to over focusing on foreplay and consequently, they ejaculate too early.
Excess of everything is bad! Of course your central point of attention must be the foreplay in order to please your woman, but still you need to maintain a balance and you need to do it right.
Dependence on artificial solutions If I search on internet "how can I last longer" then I come across more than 100 products which claim to help me on this matter.
But personally, I don't suggest those artificial synthetics and so-called solutions.
It is true that they can help, but only for a short time period.
Some of those products really succeed in accomplishing what they claim.
For example some sprays are really useful to desensitize penile stimulation but still they should not be given a preference over easy and natural ways of improving sexual endurance.
Your reliance should be on solving mental and physical problems which resist your sexual power to be boosted up.
In short, it is much better to educate yourself about the true causes and solutions of early ejaculation than to blindly rely on artificial products.
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