You might make the assumption that in order to seduce a woman, it takes a whole lot of effort and that might put you off to the idea of learning how to seduce women, simply because you don't want to have to spend too much time learning techniques to make it happen. While it is always going to require some effort to get better with women and it is always going to take some effort in order to learn what it is that you need to do in order to seduce a woman, it doesn't have to take as much as you might think.
Here are some tips that are only going to take a little bit of effort, but are going to pay off big time when it comes to seduction:
1) You never want to attempt to seduce a woman when you don't smell good.
Something as simple as picking up a really good smelling deodorant and a matching cologne is about all that it takes to make sure that you don't smell bad, but it does have a big impact on how a woman reacts to you. Of course, you want to also make sure that your breath isn't going to be offensive either, so pick up some travel sized mouthwash and keep it handy at all times.
2) All it takes is a few choice words to get a conversation started.
Getting better at talking to a woman is always going to help you become more successful when it comes to seduction, but don't think that you have to be perfect at making conversation. Getting the conversation started is really the key and sometimes all it takes is a few choice words to get a woman talking to you. Don't mess up your chances and recite some line that you overheard. Come up with an original line that you can use to get her talking and see the difference.
3) She is going to have to feel like there is a lot of good sexual tension going on between you and her.
The more of this you can make a woman feel, the more likely it is that you ARE going to end up in bed with her. You don't want to wimp out when it comes to making a woman feel a lot of the good kind of sexual tension, because that is sometimes the only thing that you need to do to take things to that next level with a woman.
Here are some tips that are only going to take a little bit of effort, but are going to pay off big time when it comes to seduction:
1) You never want to attempt to seduce a woman when you don't smell good.
Something as simple as picking up a really good smelling deodorant and a matching cologne is about all that it takes to make sure that you don't smell bad, but it does have a big impact on how a woman reacts to you. Of course, you want to also make sure that your breath isn't going to be offensive either, so pick up some travel sized mouthwash and keep it handy at all times.
2) All it takes is a few choice words to get a conversation started.
Getting better at talking to a woman is always going to help you become more successful when it comes to seduction, but don't think that you have to be perfect at making conversation. Getting the conversation started is really the key and sometimes all it takes is a few choice words to get a woman talking to you. Don't mess up your chances and recite some line that you overheard. Come up with an original line that you can use to get her talking and see the difference.
3) She is going to have to feel like there is a lot of good sexual tension going on between you and her.
The more of this you can make a woman feel, the more likely it is that you ARE going to end up in bed with her. You don't want to wimp out when it comes to making a woman feel a lot of the good kind of sexual tension, because that is sometimes the only thing that you need to do to take things to that next level with a woman.