On this page you'll find information on how to get from Belem to Cascais by train or car.
See also:
The train from the Belem train stop to Cascais takes 35 minutes and costs a bit over 2€ one-way on the Urbanos train.
If you are working your way through Belem's numerous sites and end at Belem Tower, the Alges stop is close by and may be better suited for you to carry onto Cascais from.
See Cp.pt for timetable and price information.
See also:
Belem to Cascais by Train
The train from the Belem train stop to Cascais takes 35 minutes and costs a bit over 2€ one-way on the Urbanos train.
If you are working your way through Belem's numerous sites and end at Belem Tower, the Alges stop is close by and may be better suited for you to carry onto Cascais from.
See Cp.pt for timetable and price information.
Belem to Cascais by Car
The drive from Belem to Cascais takes around 30 minutes and is about 23km (15 miles). Compare Prices on Car Rental in Portugal