- 1). Browse your photos on your computer until you find the one you want to use on the magazine cover.
- 2). Find a website that offers magazine cover products. Sites include Ritzpix.com, Yourcover.com and Bighugelabs.com. Ritzpix.com allows you to order online and pick up in the store, which is faster than some other sites like Yourcover.com, that are mail order only. Choose the site that makes the most sense for you.
- 3). Upload the photo to the site. This may require you to create a free online photo account with the site. Locate the "Upload" or "Add photos" button and click it. The site will provide an area for you to browse the photos on your computer. Select the photo and click "Upload" to upload the photo to the site or to your account on the site.
- 4). Locate the magazine cover options on the site. Select the template that you like best, and select the photo you uploaded.
- 5). Add custom text or any other custom elements you wish to include on your magazine cover. Look at real magazines around your house or at a book store to get a feel for typical magazine cover text. Most text is short and punchy to entice readers to grab it off the shelf. Exaggerate on the subject of the cover. For example, if you are giving a sports magazine cover to your dad, write something like "World's Greatest Athlete: The Man Who Broke All The Records."
- 6). Double check that the magazine cover is exactly how you want it. Make sure the photo is placed correctly and there are no spelling errors. When you are confident that the magazine cover is ready, order it through the site. You may be required to pay online using your credit card, though some sites allow you to place the order and pay for it when you pick it up in the store.