Marriage is one of the most sacred unions for a human being.
In a way it's a bond that says, you are willing to spend the rest of your life together with another person.
Though we have taken the vow for that, we usually don't think this way, especially when in the middle of hardships and disagreements.
But do you know that you could be the person who starts to save your marriage even if you are the only side, currently, willing to make your marriage work? This article provides essential information to help save your marriage.
Though it seems that each marriage has its own unique flavor, there are some basic pillars that make a marriage work.
Communication is one of them.
When you communicate from the space of openness and honesty, and in a non confrontational manner, nearly everything can be solve through communication.
Without the space of free communication, it could give rise to pent up emotions which could lead to resentments and grudges.
Then talking becomes about blaming and getting back at each other.
To be able to communicate respectfully and responsibly take some practice and trial and error.
When you listen and can communicate to someone without reacting, things that are wound up tightly start to loosen out, be released which allows for further empowering communication.
Another key element is forgiveness.
As human beings we are bound to make mistakes.
Its when we over expect things from our partner that we become attached to our ideals.
Forgiveness is like a reset button in the relationship.
It does not mean you agree to what your partner did.
It means you understand that it was a mistake and you are willing to let go instead of holding on to a grudge.
One thing about holding on to grudges is we think its hurting our partner.
What we do not see is, it's causing us stress and strain in our own life.
Having compassion and forgiving, bring love back into a relationship.
Giving time to each other is also another crucial element in making marriages work.
It shows that you respect your partner and he or she is important in your life.
Spending time with each other strengthens the bond that you have between each other.
It also allows you to leave behind life's chores for awhile.
Any working marriage also has the elements of acceptance e and love at play.
Acceptance is when you accept the other person, the way they are.
You don't overly expect that they should be some wishful way you wish they were.
When you can accept another person just the way they are, it creates a huge space for understanding and love.
It would not be possible to love someone, if you cannot accept the person, just the way they are and just the way they are not.
You would try to fix something in them that you think they are lacking of.
When we are with someone for awhile we become lax and start to treat someone in a certain fix way.
This way we forget how to actually treat them respectfully.
Think about it, if you really love someone, wouldn't you give them all the love and support they would want? Wouldn't you go all the way for them and stand by their side no matter what comes? If you practice the above concepts consistently, more likely than not, your spouse would follow your example, want to change for the better, and show you how much they love you too!
In a way it's a bond that says, you are willing to spend the rest of your life together with another person.
Though we have taken the vow for that, we usually don't think this way, especially when in the middle of hardships and disagreements.
But do you know that you could be the person who starts to save your marriage even if you are the only side, currently, willing to make your marriage work? This article provides essential information to help save your marriage.
Though it seems that each marriage has its own unique flavor, there are some basic pillars that make a marriage work.
Communication is one of them.
When you communicate from the space of openness and honesty, and in a non confrontational manner, nearly everything can be solve through communication.
Without the space of free communication, it could give rise to pent up emotions which could lead to resentments and grudges.
Then talking becomes about blaming and getting back at each other.
To be able to communicate respectfully and responsibly take some practice and trial and error.
When you listen and can communicate to someone without reacting, things that are wound up tightly start to loosen out, be released which allows for further empowering communication.
Another key element is forgiveness.
As human beings we are bound to make mistakes.
Its when we over expect things from our partner that we become attached to our ideals.
Forgiveness is like a reset button in the relationship.
It does not mean you agree to what your partner did.
It means you understand that it was a mistake and you are willing to let go instead of holding on to a grudge.
One thing about holding on to grudges is we think its hurting our partner.
What we do not see is, it's causing us stress and strain in our own life.
Having compassion and forgiving, bring love back into a relationship.
Giving time to each other is also another crucial element in making marriages work.
It shows that you respect your partner and he or she is important in your life.
Spending time with each other strengthens the bond that you have between each other.
It also allows you to leave behind life's chores for awhile.
Any working marriage also has the elements of acceptance e and love at play.
Acceptance is when you accept the other person, the way they are.
You don't overly expect that they should be some wishful way you wish they were.
When you can accept another person just the way they are, it creates a huge space for understanding and love.
It would not be possible to love someone, if you cannot accept the person, just the way they are and just the way they are not.
You would try to fix something in them that you think they are lacking of.
When we are with someone for awhile we become lax and start to treat someone in a certain fix way.
This way we forget how to actually treat them respectfully.
Think about it, if you really love someone, wouldn't you give them all the love and support they would want? Wouldn't you go all the way for them and stand by their side no matter what comes? If you practice the above concepts consistently, more likely than not, your spouse would follow your example, want to change for the better, and show you how much they love you too!