Technology Programming

Website Designer in Edinburgh Staying Ahead of the Game With Responsive Web Design

Website designers have a new buzz word €responsive web design€. Having gained more attention throughout the year, and with good reason too. As the ultimate goal for any company is to always look at ways of improving their presence with their customers, efficient media location is key to this.

A professional Website designer has to consider that not every customer has the same device. With technology showing no signs of slowing down customers are being shown different methods of accessing the internet. The most popular being with their mobile device. The types of mobile devices are endless and include mobile phones, tablets and smart phones. The difference in screen and resolution for each of these devices is massive and can cause problems for users when trying to access the internet - this is when responsive web design is the answer to all mobile internet problems.

So what are the benefits? Why is there a need to incorporate responsive design when building a website?

Better functionality
With the huge range of devices available that has different screen sizes and resolutions on which users can gain access to the internet, responsive web design with use a fluid layout. Here comes the technical part: multiple sets of code are created so that each set of code is read by each device. This makes it possible to all users regardless of their device to access and use the internet easily.

This is a very basic definition but in other words it uses various layers of coding of exactly the same page that will get called upon to use, dependent on the device being used. Leave the technical jargon to us as we are your answer to website design, with the expertise to provide you with a solution.

Easier Implementation
As previously stated the information presented has been captured in different ways to make it acceptable for its purpose. The easiest way to do this is through video, image, audio and font, making it very possible to view the exact same website from your laptop or computer on your mobile device without the user knowing any difference. Responsive Web Design does not need to be complicated; you too can outshine your competitors with the best Edinburgh website designer, Ryster, has to offer.

Just by increasing or decreasing the text and image size, will make the internet more user friendly. On top of that the website will respond when the mobile is tilted horizontally or if the user attempts to zoom in and out of a piece of text. The front and image will always be proportionate to the size of the entire website regardless of the size of the mobile device.

If those benefits were not enough, here are some more.

Companies are always looking for ways to reduce their bounce rate. This is the percentage time when a user clicks through to a website and immediately walks away without viewing the content. Bounce rates will be reduced as each web page is made as user friendly as possible.
One website needs to be created and not multiple pages for each mobile device. This is fantastic for SEO because all views will count towards your website traffic making your website more effective and efficient.

It is our job to not just provide you with a website but a solution. What are you waiting for; contact us today for the best, affordable web design Edinburgh has to offer.
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