People born before and during the Second World War have witnessed an astonishing wave of liberal reform of sexual attitudes beginning with the trial of Penguin books in 1960 for the publication of the unexpurgated version of D H Lawrence's book, Lady Chatterley's Lover.
Throughout the 1960s what has become known as the Sexual Revolution gathered pace and by the end of the decade the demands of homosexuals were causing riots in the USA.
Since that time almost every form of sexual activity between consenting adults has been removed from the list of indictable offences and the equality of human rights of people of all sexual orientations has been established.
This process has been welcomed and supported by all thinking and fair-minded people but calling a union between two people of the same sex 'marriage' is a violation of the traditional dictionary definition and an affront to all who believe in the heterosexual union as the foundation of the family.
It seems to have become generally accepted that the process of liberalisation must continue at an ever increasing pace but this is likely to lead to anarchy and chaos.
Wise men and women follow the doctrine of the 'middle way.
' A balance must be struck in all things.
Homosexuals have always been in a minority and as such in the past they have been subjected to unfair treatment.
The vigorously pursued reforms of past decades have greatly ameliorated this situation but the momentum of the movement now threatens to push the majority beyond the balance point: the point of equilibrium.
Homosexuals have always had the right to marry and throughout history many have raised families successfully.
If some now wish to engage openly in same sex unions there is nothing to stop them, but to call this sterile relationship marriage is to offend nature.
It is also against the teaching of all major western religions, reiterated over the ages by all major prophets from Moses, through Jesus and Mohammad to Baha'u'llah.
Whether or not one accepts that these luminaries were inspired by God, one must acknowledge their wisdom that has inspired millions of followers.
Religious teachings have advanced over the centuries, taking account of scientific discoveries and philosophical insights as well as advances in systems of government and social norms, but they have never sanctioned same sex physical relationships.
Modern secular thinking has allowed same sex unions but to call them marriage risks causing permanent damage to an institution that for millennia has been the foundation of civilised life.
Throughout the 1960s what has become known as the Sexual Revolution gathered pace and by the end of the decade the demands of homosexuals were causing riots in the USA.
Since that time almost every form of sexual activity between consenting adults has been removed from the list of indictable offences and the equality of human rights of people of all sexual orientations has been established.
This process has been welcomed and supported by all thinking and fair-minded people but calling a union between two people of the same sex 'marriage' is a violation of the traditional dictionary definition and an affront to all who believe in the heterosexual union as the foundation of the family.
It seems to have become generally accepted that the process of liberalisation must continue at an ever increasing pace but this is likely to lead to anarchy and chaos.
Wise men and women follow the doctrine of the 'middle way.
' A balance must be struck in all things.
Homosexuals have always been in a minority and as such in the past they have been subjected to unfair treatment.
The vigorously pursued reforms of past decades have greatly ameliorated this situation but the momentum of the movement now threatens to push the majority beyond the balance point: the point of equilibrium.
Homosexuals have always had the right to marry and throughout history many have raised families successfully.
If some now wish to engage openly in same sex unions there is nothing to stop them, but to call this sterile relationship marriage is to offend nature.
It is also against the teaching of all major western religions, reiterated over the ages by all major prophets from Moses, through Jesus and Mohammad to Baha'u'llah.
Whether or not one accepts that these luminaries were inspired by God, one must acknowledge their wisdom that has inspired millions of followers.
Religious teachings have advanced over the centuries, taking account of scientific discoveries and philosophical insights as well as advances in systems of government and social norms, but they have never sanctioned same sex physical relationships.
Modern secular thinking has allowed same sex unions but to call them marriage risks causing permanent damage to an institution that for millennia has been the foundation of civilised life.